
dc marvel whatever. this was originally touted as a science fiction site. there used to be questions about whether the fantasy genre was acceptable but now it has devolved into an endless super hero wank. by all means, get your cosplay panties in a twist. you can tell me over and over that dc owns clark kent and it

so... is io9 owned by marvel? batman, superman, spiderman, avengers, iron man, captain america, wolverine etc etc etc. enough with the magical underpants and steroid stuff already.

What Benny Gesserit said, yes. I was so anxious for this series not to suck. Alas. I quite liked Mekhi Phifer during his tenure on Lie To Me but the blar-har CIA tough guy schtick is very much noise, not so much signal. I made it half way through episode three and drifted off, started tidying up and lost interest. For

thank goodness. i mean, i'm pretentious and all but i do have my pronominal limits.

this! thank you yes! half way through episode three i just started to drift and puttered about tidying. not the general effect of gripping drama. i don't care a damn for the flipping cia, i don't care about the american characters, i really dislike torchwood playing second fiddle on torchwood which isn't really

the royal 'we' is kind of annoying. we weren't on our seat edge at all actually, nor were we hooked. hate to nit-pick... well, no, actually i love to nit-pick. anyway, just as a style note it feels like i've been told what i'm supposed to think when i read one of these reviews and i am nothing if not contrary.

well madness87, the thing is that i don't like captain america. i don't like iron man or thor or the hulk. and i couldn't give a tinker's damn for nick fury, hawkeye (unless it's hawkeye pierce) or shield. magical underpants people bug me. even as a kid i thought superheroes were ridiculous. and let's face it, all of

i'm of the inverse opinion that whedon is a rather clever television director who is wasting his time directing stupid franchise crap. if this movie ends up being watchable it will be because whedon exceeded the limitations of implausible characters dashing about with their under pants on the wrong side of their

my first thought was what's with the lame, sappy music. peter gabriel? good lord man, time to retire before the phil collins bug devours you entirely. second thought, is this the right trailer? is this a western? well i'm ready to be underwhelmed. couple nice looking effects though.

This thing looks like a good reason to stay home. Sherlock Holmes shouldn't induce epilepsy.

i can't wait to not see this. (obligatory anti-superhero trolling)

doesn't sound great but it doesn't sound awful either. of course io9 kind of gives up the intellectual high ground with the fawning, endless coverage of superhero shite, 'cos that's where great, believable writing lives. golly gosh! a blurry set pic from cap'n merrika... to the front page!

oh my. farrell looks like he's escaped from a romance novel cover and tennant looks totally ridiculous. the ferocious cocked eyebrow will slay the soiled wifebeater. they both look totally goofy.

those are naturally occurring? jeeziz, that poor thing.

well the garrison trailer is better than the movie has any right to hope to be. plus they replaced whatshername with a blonde sporting some dead ugly lip implants? collagen lips are cringe inducing, who the hell thinks that's attractive?

American Gods was boring and weak. It felt like a watered down Stephen King novel, The Stand Lite perhaps. And given how poorly the miniseries for that far superior work of fiction came off, I can only hope that the advances in digital visual effects will allow the makers of American Gods the miniseries to do

I have nothing to add. I just love the first sentence of this article.

i had the opportunity to work on a movie with her and she was whip smart and one of the genuinely funniest people i've ever encountered. it astonishes me that she hasn't done much comedy. we were filming in the middle of nowhere, so big set ups and camera turn-arounds provided a chance to hang out and chat. i was a

Another Earth looks interesting, Troll Hunter looks like wacky, Northern European fun and Suing the Devil... well, Malcom. Beyond that, I am praying that genre movies recover from the super hero plague by seeing a passel of these bloated, budget sucking jokes go down in flames.
