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    Beat you to it. I was already 40 when I saw 7. I wasn’t going to go see it, but my dad (age 67) is a rabid fan. lol

    I saw that pic and thought to myself, “That looks like TN”. Then I looked at the news agency name and was right. When you veer off the lane and brush those raw rock walls at highway speeds it can do crazy things. I once saw a short hit the wall on 75 north of Knoxville and it crushed in the entire front half. There’s

    stormtrooper= flat breast plate:

    You need to look again. Her breast plate isn’t flat like the stormtroopers’ breast plates.

    “Phasma is female, but you wouldn’t know it if she didn’t speak.”

    I had a mid-80’s Mercury Lynx (Ford Escort) that I wrecked 3 times in the front right before I had to total it. That poor little car, I still feel a little guilty and kinda miss it.

    Not so fast. When a situation happens all sorts of crazy crap happens. I once saw a hood rat shoot a shop owner point blank (less than a foot) and it only grazed her arm. Just sayin...

    Scoundrel- a dishonest or unscrupulous person. Rogue- a playfully mischievous person; scamp.

    In good working condition these things handle awesome. I had the displeasure of riding with a guy who was taking 25mph curves, with elevation changes, at 90mph with no problems... with 4 of us in the car. That was in ‘92, so the car was fairly new.

    Having owned a vehicle with VTEC, I know that you can hardly feel 15hp.

    It would look even better if you cleared the headlights.

    I’ve sold at least a dozen vehicles in the last decade on CL and had very little problems. Most sold on the first call- at or near the price I was asking.

    “...if you want to buy Asian, in the power equipment industry, you go Japanese.”

    Was born at Hahn AFB, Germany in ‘74. Birth certificate even says “Frankfort, Germany”. We moved 7 times in 20 years. The only time we lived on base was in Germany when I was 10-ish and it was a blast. Since that time I’ve always had friends on base, even to this day.

    I couldn’t agree more. Funnest import I ever owned. Only problem I ever had with it was ditches and trees. lol

    If it was a Honda you could get 5hp for every sticker.

    Even though the machines use him as a control, Neo is “The One”. He is the sum of the Matrix trying to balance the equation. He just happens to be the 7th iteration.

    Have you been living under a rock? They’ll rent out a theatre to anyone. We’ve rented several in the last few years to play Xbox.

    There’s dozens of places in Dallas.