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    LMAO! All manufacturers have some type of assembly line and none are fully automated from.

    The modern nation state makes up the majority of civilization. Nation state: a form of political organization under which a relatively homogeneous people inhabits a sovereign state; especially : a state containing one as opposed to several nationalities (Mirriam-Webster)

    Well, it took Rutledge 3 laps on a banked oval and using the down slope to achieve 88mph:

    North American species can weigh as much as 1100 lbs. Siberian species can weigh as much as 1500 lbs.

    I call shenanigans.

    Watch the movie Swordfish.

    Yeah, the Crosstour has sold well. lol. Guess that’s why Aston Martin decided to double down:

    First time I saw one it was buried to the windshield in a semi’s fueltank.

    Looks better than the convertible.

    Pre-2000 Honda’s are like that too.

    Used to? Hell, I’ve seen 3 in the last year in Fort Worth.

    I don’t care how rare it is, I’d never buy a Mustang with a four cylinder.

    A lot of these guys ride their personal bike specifically built for this type of competition. I know because I up-fit police vehicles in that area. I recognize several people in the video, chances are I've built more than 1 of those bikes.

    "...and I think I caught a Honda ST1300 in there as well."

    Yeah, tell that to my boss's son who rammed his into his partner's bike. $5K damage to his and totaled his partners's (not to mention the doctor's bills). I had to basically cut everything off the front end. If you don't have to cut anything off Harley's are amazingly simple to take apart.

    BMW Z3 and Z4. Both start at $32K and have more HP and features than an S2000.

    Because you haven’t seen the rear:

    "I was honestly afraid the modem might have exploded or something for a good half hour or so."

    Sure, it's the driver's fault when he wrecks but, you can't reasonably assume he knew the car would catch air like that.