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    You would think that, but I’m at 160K miles with the original transmission in my ‘05 Odyssey.

    Good luck finding any 7th gen Civic owners that care.

    Bluejays are in town Friday, Saturday and Sunday ;)

    Serious question: Then why did the VW dealer hand my boss’s wife a check for $1500 today?

    I had a 1998 Grand Am with the Quad 4. Put 209,000 miles on it in 4 years and the only major repair was replacing the alternator. Sold it to a friend and his wife drove it another 130,000 miles before it gave up the ghost.

    You guys were made for each other if you both turned down free money. Just take the damn thing, stick a for sale sign on it and collect your 100% profit.

    “...when the FAA started paying particular attention to some of their more dangerous safety”

    Like my friend’s POS 1989 325ci? He swapped it to a manual about 10 years ago. It’s fast-ish (0-60 in 6-7 secs), reliable, parts are cheap and it’s easy to wrench on.

    They didn’t, but they certainly got penalized major laps at the start.

    My 11yo Odyssey has no permanent center console so it’s either column or dash. After a couple weeks I got used to it and now I think it’s even better placed than a console shifter.

    If you didn’t have any ASE certs before you started Subaru that’s pretty impressive. 2 years in and I had only passed half the certs.

    I’m assuming master Subaru tech not ASE, right?

    I don’t know for sure, but I imagine it’s the same or close. Every person in this state that has to work in other people’s personal space (cabbies, limo drivers, realtors, maids, cable/satellite guys etc.) has to go through a background check. For the carry permit, it’s no violent or sex crimes and nothing over a

    So you act like an adult and wait a few weeks just like every other person in the state that works in other people’s personal space.

    It’s easy and cheap in Texas. We have to get fingerprinted for our carry permit so fingerprint services are at every other gun range.

    That doesn’t really hold water here in texas, every other gun range has a fingerprint service for around $20.

    I don’t know how fast, but I do know they’re the sharpest thing in the world... they’ll go right through your pants and not even make a hole.

    If somebody pulled a pea shooter like that on me I might actually laugh. It’s even small in her hand.

    I remember paying 69 cents a gallon here in Texas in ‘98.

    Yeah, except for: