
Bran is like a college freshman: “I’m like the 3 eyed raven, mom. You totally wouldn’t get it.”

Get your white flag out yet? It appears overwhelming numbers flatly reject your premise, which appears to be a thin veil covering your misandry.

I would agree, and tell them to ditch Diet Coke; however, the fact that they exist is proof positive that your opinion on this is wrong too. Trust me, they have run the numbers, if they weren’t turning a profit, one would disappear. The sales do in fact justify the marketing.

Is this trolling? Because the drinks taste as different as Coke and Pepsi in my opinion. You must have some wonky taste buds.

I agree, some people are not born with the disposition to determine subtle differences in flavors. Those people should maybe not write about flavor? That is, especially when they are excellent writers, as Beth is.

“It is my opinion that this difference is not large enough to justify the marketing and that the side by side existence of the two brands is silly.”

Still completely wrong.

My wife is pretty upset about this and would surely fight you to the death, possibly due to some withdrawal-related symptoms. She can’t stand Diet Coke and loves Coke Zero. The difference is quite dramatic to her and she’s going to have a very hard time with this. She’s a super-taster, while I have a pretty normal

But the difference is NOT “slight”, that’s what dozens of commenters (and 200+ stars) are trying to get you to understand.

They taste very different.

If Diet Coke tasted like Coke Zero, you’d have a point. But they taste completely different than one another.

A year or so before Coke Zero came out they did try Diet Coke with different sweeteners like Splenda in some areas as well. It didn’t last long because it upset people who picked up the wrong drink and got a different taste than they expected. Even if they didn’t specifically try to target men (which is your real

Good thing you don’t work at Coke. If it weren’t for Coke Zero i’d move to drink the Pepsi equivalent. Diet Coke tastes fucking terrible while Coke Zero at least somewhat tastes like the normal thing.

neither diet coke or coke zero taste anything like regular coca-cola

Here is the thing,there is no slight to it...It would be Much more accurate to say Regular Coke and Coke Zero taste slightly different, where as Zero and Diet are leaps and bounds different.

Agreed, Diet Coke had an awful aftertaste that was absent in Coke Zero. It was the first diet soda whose taste I liked.

As a diabetic who doesn’t get to enjoy most of my vices, when I want a treat, Coke Zero is my go-to and just tastes better than diet Coke (terrible, terrible tasting). Coke Zero, and also Sprite Zero, are far closer to their original blood sugar spiking variations than their diet versions by a mile. The marketing

seriously. i’m no regular soda drinker, but zero is miles better than diet.