
Poster specifically says unless they instigate physical confrontation... but you keep being a Troll.

If the Civil War or WW2 was started by an old man trying to watch a football game you might have a point... but they weren’t and you are being dumb.

Usmnt win the world cup! All thanks to this Inanimate Carbon Rod! IN ROD WE TRUST!

He has done opinions like this on Michael Sam and Greg hardy and was on Ellen it think for one... he is untouchable in Dallas and will have a job until he decides to retire.

Fuuuuuuuuck Pastor Jeffers... evil little twerp

Hey asshole, The Big D is the franchise restaurant, fake boob and strip club capital of the world... so suck on dem titties

The NFL can but has not fired anyone for this and has come out and said they support the players free speech. So now they have their employers support or permission...

Dont worry, Trump is out there everyday pissing more people off, even in his base, many I know have changed their views. Either they recognize his Insanity or they just see the popular opinion turning snd want to be on the popular cool side... either way I have hope.

Geez-us... why is everyone on your ass about your job?!... I guess people associate sommelier with their douche friends that think they know everything about wine cuz they drink a ton...but commenting on someone’s job because of your own preconceived notions is even douchier imo.

Bro do you even coke?! Completely different flavors... my Dad and a lot of older people are addicted to diet coke, I can’t stand it...Coke zero is my jam.

This would be true now but these rowhouses are obviously older and who knows what building codes, construction standards or lack thereof were enforced.... these were olderand probably linked with one wall

I thought your initial joke was funny but that video only has like 1 Italian in’s was more of an, “everyone in the world dives” video.