lazy, lazier & laziest8

Those folks have been told it’s a zero-sum game from birth, remember.

You sound like one of those evil Evolutionists with that ‘theories and observations’ excuse. /s

Tell a conservative that the ACA was first and foremost an idea out of the Republican think-tank ‘Heritage Foundation’.

Stupid welfare hippies don’t have bootstraps to pull themselves up by, apparently?” 

He was in agreement. ‘Speedy’ is in the eye of the defendant.

Disdam Rd & Tadadump Rd in a neighboring town.


Thanks, Fredipus.

It may be a vast conspiracy... it’s getting real hard to find PB cookies like Tagalongs. Mostly replaced with some PB ‘cream’ abomination.

It may be a throwback to the thrilling days of yesteryear.  When I was a kid, the Camp Fire Girls (are they still active?) sold actual peppermint mints. I can see the GS saying, ”Market!!!”. The Thin Mints ruled back in the 60s.

Dating, but: Who Do You Love? - Quicksilver

Everyone knows that the letter Q is just an O with a larger penis.”

I did a twelve year stretch in Catholic school, resulting in my exit from the RCs.

Hah! My SiL said that about the big freeze on the Saturday family zoom sesh! Cue laughter from NH, FL, PA, NY, MA & CA.


I wonder how many of us got that.

Sounds more asshole than dick

My mom, a Dust Bowl Okie, brought a lot of southern recipes with her to CA.

I second the use of foist.

 Just ONE of the reasons we’re known as ‘Planet Florida’ to the rest of the Galactic Empire.