lazy, lazier & laziest8

As a Gorilla Glue user - only in its proper context - I can tell you that no solvent known to man (that wouldn’t poison/melt you) will remove it. Many are the articles of clothing that I’ve ruined with this stuff (and spray foam insulation) - GorGlu is a polyurethane foam when set.

My son-in-law as a young teen once used spray paint (!!!) to color his hair. He totally owned it, afterwards. His statement? “I don’t know what I was thinking at that time, but have only myself to blame.” Word.

Nice that you ‘refrigerated’ your revenge! It’s the suggested serving method.

Keel-hauling: That there’s a naval tradition for this ofay, since he seems to like rope.

The first thing I’m doing after work is snowblowing my driveway.

Two years ago, at my BiL’s wake, my SiL asked me if I wanted to use his Kindle. It was linked to her account and being the voracious reader that she is, it had several hundred books (in her cloud). I had never used an ebook before. That thing is heroin!!!

Your grandmother was a wise woman and spot-on with her statement.

“Too soon!”

In the silent film days, it was almost mandatory for the audience to boo the villain when he first appears. Time to re-adopt!

How many of these terrs actually believed Blotus himself would be marching with them?

Never having watched the process, I tuned in when Pence convened the reporting (not count, mind you, but the reporting of the count) and watched the Rep and Teddy call for debate. Knowing I had at least two hours to kill, I had just started some chores when the Capitol was breached.

Never saw the shoulders. I was stuck on that braided part.

Good on Mr Harold for not just throwing her through the glass during her attack on his son. Even though that is EXACTLY what she deserved.

Give him a P-38 and see if he can open that can.

Not teaching, at all; more of observing an experiment you devised

It’s the, “But, your Honor, I was drunk” of the 21st Century.

Maybe better at LifeHacker, but just taping a 3x5 index card behind the port increases sound ranges and directs the sound out, instead of down. Not much, but does attenuate the ‘thin-ness’.

Maybe better at LifeHacker, but just taping a 3x5 index card behind the port increases sound ranges and directs the

One of my comments, when passed on the freeway by some jamoke (usually in an SUV) during a snowfall is, “Four wheel drive does not equal four wheel stop”. This coming from a guy who lived for 35 years, prior to NH, in Los Angeles!

A ray of hope for you: As of the date of your post, the days are getting longer.

A/C is a term that have come to associate with cooling, but doesn’t specifically mean that. Logically, true A/C would cool, heat and humidify/dehumidify - as in, ‘conditioning the air’. For all intents, my home’s oil-fired boiler is two things: a hot water maker and an air conditioner, even though it only heats.