My mom, a Dust Bowl Okie, brought a lot of southern recipes with her to CA.
My mom, a Dust Bowl Okie, brought a lot of southern recipes with her to CA.
I second the use of foist.
D’ja ever notice that ‘sensible shoes’ rarely are, in the sense that that is uttered?
(en masse)
Just ONE of the reasons we’re known as ‘Planet Florida’ to the rest of the Galactic Empire.
As a Gorilla Glue user - only in its proper context - I can tell you that no solvent known to man (that wouldn’t poison/melt you) will remove it. Many are the articles of clothing that I’ve ruined with this stuff (and spray foam insulation) - GorGlu is a polyurethane foam when set.
My son-in-law as a young teen once used spray paint (!!!) to color his hair. He totally owned it, afterwards. His statement? “I don’t know what I was thinking at that time, but have only myself to blame.” Word.
Harder for me to grasp were the substitution of LEDs for the original ruby rod.
Interesting. I was first introduced to the concept with S. Delany’s “NOVA” back in the last Century.
Nice that you ‘refrigerated’ your revenge! It’s the suggested serving method.
Keel-hauling: That there’s a naval tradition for this ofay, since he seems to like rope.
Charting a map to the ‘islands of stability’?
The first thing I’m doing after work is snowblowing my driveway.
Two years ago, at my BiL’s wake, my SiL asked me if I wanted to use his Kindle. It was linked to her account and being the voracious reader that she is, it had several hundred books (in her cloud). I had never used an ebook before. That thing is heroin!!!
Have these folks NEVER read Saberhagen?
Just use the same spot as Apollo...the MGM backlot in Culver City.
As long as they keep, “They’re (hippos) only dangerous when they wiggle their ears!” just prior to firing a few blanks, I’m good.
Speaking of which (while thinking of my 1st Gen Sega console): Would contact cleaner help?
That one single drop of water that wakes you up in the middle of the night.
Your grandmother was a wise woman and spot-on with her statement.