You sound a bit like me.
You sound a bit like me.
We always hear from the Right that celebrities should stay in their lane when it comes to advocacy and politics.
My late wife’s meatloaf? - Basically, it was a giant hamburger (as in, open the 1 lb package of burger, throw it in a frying pan and dump a can of mushrooms on it.) Did not impress my daughters.
I have this model of Morakniv. It came sharper’n a mother-in-law’s tongue.
I have this model of Morakniv. It came sharper’n a mother-in-law’s tongue.
‘Tis a fine line between ‘white trash’ salads and recombinant cuisine.
God bless the 225 and all who use them.
Solved 1/2 of the problem by building a garage in 1990.
“not only admitted to being the driver of the car that struck this girl, but also that she had done so intentionally”.
They revel when he’s incivil. If he was in any way polite at any time, he’d be labelled a pussy for that.
The head to body ratio is totally different in true felines than the actors in makeup/cgi.
I was politically aware during Nixon’s administration, and even though I recognized the immense value of his foreign policy (except Vietnam, which he inherited and sought to ‘Vietnamize’ - he bought my sympathy by ending the Draft in the year of my call-up (low number)- and some domestic policies (EPA), I hated most…
Said the same thing, upstream. AND for the same state.
All FDs ‘round here (NH, USA) use only red, and PDs only blue.
Then they’d be clogged with rambling pedestrians who are somehow even MORE clueless than the drivers.
Do you wear shoes? Kick him in the balls. You don’t need to be Viniterre to score a field goal.
“There’s no consensus on a single reason for the close connection between cats and murder.”
I apply it in front of the woodstove, so a little goes a long way and helps to penetrate. But, yeah, even a molecule thickness feels sticky/oily
I apply it in front of the woodstove, so a little goes a long way and helps to penetrate. But, yeah, even a molecule…
As a ‘ruralist’, surely you know the magic of Bag Balm.
As a ‘ruralist’, surely you know the magic of Bag Balm.
“I think LEDs might last longer, and use a little less electricity, but I’m not sure.”