Where do you think they get the mercury for vaccinations? It doesn’t just come out of the ground!!
Where do you think they get the mercury for vaccinations? It doesn’t just come out of the ground!!
Really dug the car visor included in the ‘monstrously large visor’ section.
Being friendly and accomodating is suspicious, though.
Damn!! That was a close call!
In 2011, I attended a week-long training at New Mexico Tech for Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings, where we witnesssed a number of different types of explosives/explosions in the field. We were supplied with paperwork showing our attendance to present to TSA, if necessary.
Not only that, but you have zero chance of advancement past the security line. The best you can hope for is to be a shift leader, not a supervisor.
Perfect. That word is also among the missing!
Honestly? Not in the vocabulary.
And who says nuance is lost in text?
“He would have stolen my cats,” she said.
Almost a certainty.
“Some, to see a bear would pay a fee”
Hear, hear! and ditto.
There was an early 60s tv show where the Aerocar was part of the lead’s shtick.
A ‘check’ (the graphic, not spelled out) is my go to. I try to avoid a thumbs up due to connotations from the 80s-90s.
Where we’re going, we don’t need roads!
$69K? That’s less than a highly equipped Raptor.
Well, I’ll be dipped in dogshit!! You are correct, WZ!
It’s already been established that the POTUS’s tweeting is him speaking ‘ex cathedra’. Meaning he can’t express his ‘opinion’ there as others may do - it carries the weight of an official press statement by the White House.
I used an analogy about human behavior in a discussion, and the conversation turned to the analogy, not the behavior. And even the analogy was misinterpreted.