Those are the most photoshopped pictures that have ever existed. They may as well be drawings.
Those are the most photoshopped pictures that have ever existed. They may as well be drawings.
Being for the worker might include not being a union president with a salary north of $500k. I admit my distrust of unions is pretty deeply ingrained by my background but I will never assume that a union has the workers’ best interest at heart when it really gets down to it.
Terry O’Sullivan make $700,000/year.
It’s hard to get excited about unions when unions have consistently shown to be greedy, corrupt organizations themselves, whose primary interest is self-perpetuation.
Man, you’ve had plenty of time to process the fact that the DNC and Democratic establishment lost this election because they cleared the field for Hillary years in advance despite her being an objectively terrible, uninspiring candidate with more than enough legitimate ethical baggage dragging behind her. The…
It went that fast for probably less than six inches.
He’s a capable lawyer, and he’s asking pointed questions, but he’s avoiding going in for the kill. Treat this like a deposition and get something that is responsive to the actual question or an admission that the witness is refusing to answer the question. “I appreciate your response, sir, but that’s not the question…
How can this list not include a ‘66 (‘67) white Thunderbird?
Another addition of Hamilton Nolan’s “Deep Thoughts that anyone with an average IQ and an interest in politics already knows without having to be told by a blogger with a comically inflated perception of his own intelligence and insight”.
Miller had no chance whatsoever. A fourth line beer league guy could’ve buried that puck the way the rush set up. Holy shit, what a completely gut-ripping way to lose a game.
What kind of fucked up process do they have where your goddamn neighbors decide whether you get citizenship or not, or get a passport? My neighbors are mostly idiots.
This is the least important thing in the world but what the fuck is going on with his face? How does it get so orange and why does he choose to leave a wide, white margin around his eyes. He looks so goddamn odd.
I feel for the guy because I’ve been there. I had mental health problems to the point that I couldn’t work. I had decided that I just had to quit a very well-paying job that I’d been at for nearly ten years because there were things going on in my life that made it impossible to work. Luckily my employers suggested…
Whatever your thoughts on Roe v. Wade, it is not great law. A poorly reasoned Supreme Court opinion should not be the form in which the protection of abortion rights is guaranteed. Roe v. Wade is going to be overturned eventually, because the zealots on the Right never give up, but also because it is so vulnerable…
Brady definitely could do 2 minutes on how effective his copper bracelet is in doing . . . something to his body.
Surprises me Larry Walker doesn’t get more love: MVP, multiple batting titles, bunch of gold gloves, long career. I’m biased because he was one of my all-time favorite players but he was a great player for a long time.
The asking someone for help story worked out about how it should have. Depending on the profession, you’re probably better asking a more experienced colleague rather than the boss all the time. I’ve been in both positions and it gets a little tedious to explain things that you’ve asked someone to do when a little…
If she believes that she has a reasonable expectation of not being confronted with her own on-the-record venality and inexcusable conduct then she’s really really really really fucking stupid. She was enthusiastic about electing her war crime of a father to the highest office in the nation. She gets to deal with the…
Yeah, when trump starts rounding up and deporting people, those people will have their kids with them too. What’s your fucking point? Her kids will eventually find out what horrible fucking family they were born into. The first part of being a good parent is not being such a horrible person that other people have…
Nah, she’s had her grubby little finger all over this shit show. Accountability is a bitch. You don’t get to support and work to elect the person she helped to elect and then fall back on “poor me, I’m just a private citizen”. She can experience some of the fear and insecurity that her piece of shit father has be…