
They’ve all got plenty of money and fly on private jets as matter of course. She sells tacky $10,000 bracelets and is an executive in shithead’s company, her hubby owns a newspaper. I’m sure they have pieces of furniture in their home that cost thee times as much as my car.

Ivanka is all in, and is reaping the benefits so she gets the downside, too. If I passed her on the street I’d be sure to tell her that her father is low life piece of shit and her husband is a lick-boot lackey.

We took an Uber home from a office christmas party last week and it cost $9 and we didn’t realize you couldn’t tip with the app and had no cash. The awesome woman driving us spent about 15 mins getting us from downtown to our place 4-5 miles away. I’ve made that trip by cab many times and it’s always about $20

She should have been charged with battery because she one hundred percent, no doubt about it, committed battery. She shoved him and smacked him in the neck. He definitely should have just left, but whether or not he was in danger has nothing to do with it. He committed a crime but so did she. People are arrested

Or, he’s like the dozens of Mormons I know who make a public spectacle of not drinking but do it on the sly or among friends who get it. Toure is a worldwide celebrity who is probably incredibly popular in muslim countries. Gotta keep up appearances or get called a bad muslim.

This is the definitive takedown of Love Actually by Gabe Delahaye:

I mean, what’s so bad about surreptitiously giving a 13 year old girl a quaalude and then anally raping her? Americans are so uptight about sex.

And the HOF is like the Oscars. Who really gives a fuck besides the player and his family? People treat it like it’s some quantitatively objective metric of skill and greatness.

That is a million dollar idea and you gave it away for free.

Absolutely. Traverse City born and bred right here. My point was that just because the dude was described as a “midwesterner” does make him qualified or equipped to take someone out on a snow machine in a North Dakota blizzard.

“Midwesterner” mean Ohio, etc. That ain’t North Dakota in a blizzard.

Is the leatherman just out now, the deal isn’t showing?

Is the leatherman just out now, the deal isn’t showing?

She would be nowhere near equipped to head out on a machine in that weather.

Of course he’s not going to get any input from anyone. He’s got the best brain, one of the highest IQs ever. He, in his mind, by definition, knows better than anyone on any subject. We’ve all known people who think they’re smart but are actually too stupid to know how dumb they are (they often say “how hard could

I’ve been trying to watch this with my SO because she likes it but I had to stop last night. It’s just fucking terrible. Awful. There is so much laughable, pseudo-deep dialogue that is the epitome of meaningless philosophical bullshit. And cringe-worthy speechifying and high school play-level acting to boot. They

He ties his ties so long that the tail end can’t reach the loop that would hold it to the back of the large part of the tie, so . . . scotch tape. It wouldn’t be a problem for him if he actually knew that your tie shouldn’t be so long it’s slapping your ball sack.

This victory lap is all the proof I need to conclude that the draw for him has always been the adoring crowds and the media attention, not the actual job. He’s doing post-election campaigning because standing on a stage basking in the attention is what it’s all about for him.

This church showed up in our Salt Lake City neighborhood a few years ago. The most galling thing was that they rented the public middle school across the street from our house. It only lasted a few months. At first it looked like attendance was pretty good, after about three months of it being there every Sunday it

Jack Miles wrote a book about Jesus a few years ago where he pointed out how baffling and unsettling people from Asian countries find the use of a body on a cross as a religious symbol. I think the comparison he used was if we had a modern religion that used a lynched black man swinging at the end of a rope as a

Most flops are pathetic but that was hilarious. Respect.