
This guy is dancing so close to the douchebag line . . . but I actually like him. And actual good tips.

Australian man is Australian.

I bought the Rowenta DW8080 a few months ago and really like it. It’s a step up from this one and I paid about $20 more, but this one is probably pretty solid, too. It’s really easy to head to Target and get a $30 model, but after you’ve used a good one like this, you can’t go back. All those steam hole make

I bought the Rowenta DW8080 a few months ago and really like it. It’s a step up from this one and I paid about $20

The idea of free speech zones is, and has been for decades, rampant in American academia. Speech codes and trigger warnings and microaggressions and everything else. The far left in higher education has become very comfortable telling their students and everyone else what can be said and cannot be said. The crap in

Do as thou wilt.

I started on a classical guitar and I think it’s ideal for beginners (even the wider fretboard is beneficial in my opinion, it builds dexterity I think). The higher tension of steel string acoustic can be painful, and that itself can be discouraging. But the biggest thing is getting beginners, especially kids,

I started on a classical guitar and I think it’s ideal for beginners (even the wider fretboard is beneficial in my

Nothing is as terrible as Frontier, don’t even kid around about that.

You pad the expense report and the billing. That’s what I’d do.

Absolutely no question they will. People are greedy, selfish obnoxious assholes who will do whatever they want regardless of the rules. I fly regional airlines a lot, where you have to gate check most bags, including the typical wheelie bags, because it’s a small plane and the bags don’t fit in the overhead. They

The airlines are like the auto industry: enslaved by their legacy costs. The unions got fat deals in good times and now there is an industry with off-the-charts demand that can’t make a profit because of crippling overhead costs that are unrelated to the provision of services.

Yep. Everyone gets as much xanax as they want. Including babies. Especially babies! Then I don’t have to listen to Ken from Topeka make friends with Jim from St. Louis and talk about the ins and outs of their respective widget corporations. Everyone should be medicated up to the eyeballs at all times. The flight

I’m aware that there are people who fly without popping a xanax (or two!) but I don’t actually believe that it’s physically possible.

At some point being strapped to the fuelselage of the plane will be a travel option. Fifty bucks and you might not die!

True. Football broadcasting has gotten so fucking clownish that I assume that Belichick would think it’s beneath his dignity, which it is. But who knows? I’m in the Boston-can-go-fuck-itself camp but it’s hard to not like and respect Belichick

You’re giving her way too much credit. She grabbed onto it because it provided an opportunity for theatre. She knew that we’d all be talking about it today and her Q rating would go up, and her future salary prospects would improve, etc. It’s so transparent and cynical that I laughed out loud watching it.

There is zero chance Belichick goes into broadcasting. He’ll coach til he’s 80 and die in the film room.

You’re absolutely right about the money aspect. No doubt, and I felt a little elitist even as I wrote it. That’s an entirely fair point. And I can’t deny your point about a true musician being able to make music with nearly anything because I’ve said almost those exact words myself. You could give Dylan a K-Mart

You’re absolutely right about the money aspect. No doubt, and I felt a little elitist even as I wrote it. That’s

I think you’re right about all that. My point about starting with acoustic isn’t so much about serious vs. non-serious, it’s about improving chances of success and enjoyment. At some point there’s got to be some positive feedback in the form of making a pleasing sound. That’s easier with an acoustic, in my opinion.

I think you’re right about all that. My point about starting with acoustic isn’t so much about serious vs.

I don’t share your optimism. There are plenty of conservative voters in that age group, especially in rural areas. There are dozens of rural counties where Hillary came in third and received single digit percentages. People do in fact become more conservative as they get older and try to cling to more traditional

For what it’s worth, liberals had no problem all those years ago with an unelected Hillary Clinton having a huge role in the attempts to overhaul a huge part of the American economy (among many other things she had no business being involved in). They just thought conservatives were being dicks about it. The Trumps