Or some place that wouldn’t require you to live anywhere near Dallas . . .
Or some place that wouldn’t require you to live anywhere near Dallas . . .
My GF is in the indie movie business in Utah (i.e. Sundance) and I have occasion to be in the same room as famous folks sometimes. My sample size is small but I can tell you that the celebrities I’ve been around fucking love it when you just leave them alone and don’t act like a fanboy spaz. I ended up in a hallway…
But Notre Dame is good and pure and every single athletes earns a degree in rocket science or whatnot. They’re not like those janky football factories in the SEC who don’t care about their football players. Notre Dame is special, goddammit!
You’re right about it being subjective. I own a Epi Joe Pass, an Epi Casino and and Epi standard Les Paul. None were over $800 new and I bought them used for less than that. And I love every one of them, especially the Joe Pass, and play them live. I’m definitely in the club that believes that as good as Gibsons…
You’re right about it being subjective. I own a Epi Joe Pass, an Epi Casino and and Epi standard Les Paul. None…
The most important thing you can do is take Keith Richards’ advice and learn on an acoustic guitar, either nylon string or steel. Starting on a electric guitar is a big mistake. All the extra bullshit you get with a electric guitar will just be a distraction and it takes forever to build callouses and finger…
The most important thing you can do is take Keith Richards’ advice and learn on an acoustic guitar, either nylon…
Calling that “an actual Les Paul guitar” is pretty misleading. That’s barely an Epiphone. I have and love Epiphone guitars but the low end of Epiphone is probably not worth buying, even for beginners. I see lots of people fizzle out on guitar because they buy the cheapest one they can find and they suck to play. …
Calling that “an actual Les Paul guitar” is pretty misleading. That’s barely an Epiphone. I have and love Epiphone…
It’s touching that you think there are going to be consequences for anyone who falls into Trump’s orbit. Hasn’t happened yet and won’t happen in the future. Even his most visible accomplices who were formerly respectable will have jobs waiting for them in the public sector after Trump’s gone. The same people going…
Great, if terrifying, book.
I wasn’t really convinced until SandyFire27 piped up and showed us what was what.
Yeah, Bernie started the Hillary hate. The public’s relationship with her was nothing but warm and fuzzy before that. A Trump presidency is a catastrophe but the democratic establishment is reaping what they have been sowing for a long time. They’ve ignored the entrenched hate that many, many, many people have for…
Not knowing what the word “literally” means is the perfect (figurative) cherry on top of this guy’s comprehensively stupid comment. I, for one, have given up the fight against the mis-use of the word. It’s like trying to hold back the tide.
Exactly right. To say that she underperformed because of sexism, as I’ve heard multiple times today, ignores the fact of how much better a black man did in exactly the same districts four and eight years ago. No doubt there were those who would not vote for a woman regardless, but there aren’t that many more…
The Zippo handwarmers are pretty cool if you spend a lot of time outdoors (my girlfriend loves them) but they take a little practice and they can be temperamental. If you’re just going to outside for an hour or so, they might might not be worth the trouble (for winter camping the Uintahs they are indispensable, they…
The Zippo handwarmers are pretty cool if you spend a lot of time outdoors (my girlfriend loves them) but they take a…
He’s got to get the ball rolling on alleging that there was wide-spread cheating and rigging of results to get his minions whipped into a frenzy. Kellyanne is an abhorrent human being but I can see her telling him “you gotta do that yourself, you fat stupid asshole, I won’t participate in that shit.” But I might be…
Twitter never fails, with the hashtags and whatnot, to make adults look and sounds like complete morons.
The thing that made me finally lose all interest in the NFL (in addition to the increasingly horrifying health risks the players take to play) was actually attending a game. Won’t say what city but I doubt it matters. These kind of troglodyte meatheads are the core audience and who wants to have anything to do with…
He’s not going to marry an American. No way, no how. Unless he’s considerably cooler than I give him credit for.
I have a similar pair of ear muffs and they are so nice. Their best application is a gun range, but I use them for mowing, using a chainsaw, etc. For two people holding running chainsaws to be able to talk to each other in a normal voice is pretty cool.
I have a similar pair of ear muffs and they are so nice. Their best application is a gun range, but I use them for…
Not using double spaces after a period is the mark of a savage and should not be tolerated.
It’s unlikely that Schilling wanders out into the real world and reads anything that doesn’t reinforce his world view, or ever talks to anybody that doesn’t have the same outlook. My brother is the same way. Anything that doesn’t flatter his already staunchly held political beliefs is just the product of the liberal…