
I’m at work so I can’t go into detail but I appreciate the detailed response. Just a few thoughts: I didn’t mean trying to reform the financial industry and the tax code with our currently-constituted political landscape. I meant I realize that full-scale socialist policies are not going to happen, I would settle

We already saw what the establishment Democratic party itself did to make sure Sanders didn’t get there though, didn’t we? I like Sanders and think he’s true statesman but there is too much power, money and influence in the party to let an avowed socialist (which I’m not sure Sanders would claim to be anymore) be the

He’s starting to lay the foundation of blame with everyone but himself. Rigged voting, no support from the party, etc. It’s the classic narcissist move and it will allow him to say that he would have been elected.

If you think the wealthy establishment Democrats would have elected a socialist, and then spent political capital to support him in carrying out a socialist agenda, I’d like some of the drugs you’ve obviously been taking.

Yeah, if you are so wildly mechanically inept that you can’t execute the simple procedure of emptying a vacuum canister, which you could teach a toddler to do in under a minute, it’s probably not safe for you to even be operating a vacuum in the first place.

You couldn’t be more wrong, bagless vacuums work great and are ten times easier to empty than replacing a fucking bag like it’s 1978. We paid $200 for a Shark and it is unbelievable how well it works.

Which kinja blog or sub-blog as the most insular, specific community? Gotta be the video game dorks, right?

You sound like a pretentious ass but I couldn’t possibly agree with you more. Anyone with working ears can tell how awesome the righteous growl from an overdriven Vox tube amp is. And a good turntable running through and old pre-transistor amp can be a transcendent experience.

Describing yourself as a pacifist is essentially meaningless, except as moral grandstanding. It’s like saying you hate rape or sadness. Everybody hates war but there has to be the recognition that it is sometimes is necessary because we have an amoral opponents such as Hitler or Hirohito who have no problem murdering

The ease with which he calls a perfectly respectable young lady “disgusting” is just shocking, though it shouldn’t be at this point. Even with infinite supply of Trump’s vile statements, that on brought me up short. What is it that’s disgusting? Her weight? The fact that she opposes him? Both?

Or that one of the most eloquent voices would be a 22 year old Nebraska football player?

Ah, yes, the English sports fans are such a sophisticated bunch. You’d hardly notice that they invented soccer houliganism and have brought shocking violence with them to the city centers of Europe.

I’m a civil litigator so, in theory, I should be able to understand the mindset of a competitive person who loves the game for its own sake and just loves to win. But I really don’t. I’m not competitive enough to say patently ridiculous things and defend indefensible positions for a living. But people in politics

I’ve always wondered if it was just the money for these people. Like, this is the only line of work where they can make the kind of money they make (I have a couple of friends who work on Senate and House campaigns and the money is pretty impressive). So they take the money and make whatever moral compromise that’s

It’s not even a matter of government good, capitalism bad. He’s had articles regarding the housing crisis that have said “we need to build more affordable housing”; in fact, if memory serves there was an article with that as the title. Who is “we”? Government? Private companies? Who? How? Give me something here,

But to him it’s just a bunch of shrill, overly sensitive PC gals who can’t take it. It doesn’t even enter his brain that what he says and does could be harmful or hurtful. You know, because he’s a sociopath and all.

As a reference of disparate levels of maturity, this kid is roughly the same age as Bieber.

You’ve written a bunch of these articles about how cities should add affordable housing. Who exactly are you talking about? The governments themselves should build housing like, say, the housing projects that have been so historically successful? In high density, appealing metropolitan areas developers are going to

It is unbelievable to me how fucking seriously people take telephones. A person’s life is seriously different if you know about this at 6:00 a.m. rather than noon? Or even the next, or the next week?

Beckham knows that Dunham is a tedious chore and getting roped into a conversation with her would be death. Her ascribing thoughts and motives to him based on her own bullshit is fucking disgusting, but completely unsurprising coming from her.