
This picture is pure magic.

A new IP. Oh, and a bit of 3rd party support thrown in (I don't necessarily want ports of PS4 or XBone games, but games made specifically for Wii U - give them a reason too, please).

So much respect for this dude. He created so many of my early gaming moments, even though I don't have a Nintendo console right now and haven't since the n64 days.

If a new Super Mario RPG is made, with the same kind of HD visuals that the E3 Zelda demo had, I will officially lose my damn mind with elation. It could be a whole new world! Some characters could be similar (Mario, Bowser, Peach, etc.) but new ones could also be created, like the beloved Geno and Mallow compatriots

Not on the Wii U, they already said a long time back they had a working 3DS version of Majoras Mask, but wasn't sure if they were going to release that, or the new Zelda game (which turned out to be A Link Between Worlds).

If they release it on the Wii U, it'll be much more of a backlash than a good thing.

Although I love 3d Metroids, we are long due a 2d Metroid (wouldnt' mind a similar style to New Super Mario Bros.), or even better, release a Metroid 2 remake while we wait for a new, fully fleshed 2d Metroid!

Those were both my answers, haha. Capcom is open to a buyout, so MAKE IT HAPPEN NINTENDO!

And I'd love a straight-up Super Mario RPG sequel, though I doubt it'll ever happen. Nintendo doesn't seem all that interested in doing a first-party hardcore jRPG. While the Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi series are enjoyable,

New 2D or 3D Metroid. Fav this up peeps!!

Pull Retro off of whatever nonsense they are making and put them to work on Metroid Prime 4 IMMEDIATELY

No one =) like me, I don't give a F. about the world cup ^^

Then who am I supposed to root for in the World Cup? I kid.

So when you say great stuff you actually mean your own? Right.

Hey, let's look at the guy who didn't read the second paragraph of a two-paragraph story!

Patriotism is the worst thing a human being can believe in, we are all children of this planet.

Did someone say "militarization of the police"?

The job of the police these days is not to serve and protect the people, or even to prevent crime. Their job is to find out what the people are doing wrong and gather evidence so they can be prosecuted. We (innocent citizens) are increasingly being treated as the enemy. 9 out of 10 interactions with the police I've


I wonder if you pay extra taxes for misspelling...

Yeah, it's the sort of "clueless onlooker" that makes it good. He doesn't play games, so he notices how ridiculous some things that have become completely normal to us, actually are! Makes for good entertainment!