Yes! This is one of those ‘features’ that makes me think I should just keep using my Xbox One controllers on the XSX.
Yes! This is one of those ‘features’ that makes me think I should just keep using my Xbox One controllers on the XSX.
TL;DR reasons for wanting the XSX: Streaming from gaming PC is a hassle, Game Pass is amazing, backward compatibility, slow release of must-have PS5 exclusives
...and 99.2% of people posting levels will never follow any of this advice.
Not sure about the difficulty spike/dip re: Japanese versions.
I personally really appreciate the inclusion of AA batteries rather than some proprietary (or more difficult to replace) rechargeable battery. I never quite get why people would rather have a battery (which all rechargeable controllers do) that will be difficult to replace in ten years time (though I understand the…
I personally really appreciate the inclusion of AA batteries rather than some proprietary (or more difficult to…
Have you ever considered buying an extension cable for your GameCube controller? I bought a few on eBay years ago. They’re a simple solution to the kind of problem you’ve mentioned.
Have you ever considered buying an extension cable for your GameCube controller? I bought a few on eBay years ago. …
As others have said, CDPR has been super problematic in this arena in the past. Remember that initial teaser for Cyberpunk 2077 in which a hypersexualised female-looking robot is surrounded by men, guns drawn while she’s on her knees? Additionally, nearly every woman represented in the Witcher 3 is overtly sexualised…
This is a great article and really speaks to the experiences of me and my friends as well. We’re all mid-30s and outside of texting, video games (and Discord) are our sole means of communication. Since moving abroad in the mid-00s, my friendship network is split between the US and Europe. We’ll send texts in a shared…
Confirmed. Perhaps too many times. =\
It’s the title that gets me: Watch Dogs Legion. It’s like Ubisoft is just pandering to all those alt-right, incel edgelords out there with their Guy Fawkes masks thinking they’re disrupting the ‘system’ by spending $60+ on a video game (not to mention $20 on the mask).
It’s relatively common for the Wii to develop issues with the graphics card. Sounds like you’ve had the same problem. Your saves will likely be fine, as the storage is almost certainly unaffected. It’s just a matter of actually accessing them.
Do you have a historical record of inducing wallet abuse? Now I know who to blame when I drop $115 on this mod. =P Thanks for the link!
“The chance to see its cast [...] on the big screen would be great”
If the Wii had been powerful enough to emulate GC games, it would have been a Sony/Microsoft killer. Instead, it was an abysmal fai— Oh, wait, it outperformed the non-combined sales of the Xbox 360 and PS3 anyway ? *Cue emo version of ‘Mad World’*
I’m playing the beta and having a blast. There’s a reason I haven’t played in the last ten years - the game fundamentally changed. Some appreciate those changes and some, like me, enjoy the game design of 2004. It’s a simple matter of preference.
Ah, fair. My ignorance is noted. Totally accept that and apologise.
“It’s maybe because I tutored [with] them a lot from my deck”. Awww, so noble. Goodness, and here we were just assuming the worst. Actually, it was just the natural wear and tear associated with magnanimity. What a kind, selfless individual. We should be ashamed of ourselves. Thanks for setting the record straight.
Ugh, don’t even. I’ve spent the last couple of WEEKS grading first year university papers. This kind of repetition is slowly killing my soul. Gotta stay off Kotaku for a while - or at least maybe Gita’s articles (and always Tim’s videos).
Your comment is so spot on. There’s a certain irony in the belief that “full potential” can be reached in a capitalist system, given that the exponential accumulation of capital is essentially a limitless endeavour. Do they finally cum, indeed - or is it infinite blue balls?
Yep. That’s disappointing. I’ve mistakenly picked up PS4 bundles in the past before reading the fine print and having codes that we’re completely useless to me. Had to donate them to friends in the US. Maybe one of these days, these bundles can be extended to other countries. Until then, I’ll have to stop getting my…
Yep. That’s disappointing. I’ve mistakenly picked up PS4 bundles in the past before reading the fine print and…