
So was the original console needlessly large?

Virgin Burbon? Is that a joke at the intended users?

I would try building my own before I spend eight grand on this thing.

I knew that there would come a day in my life, where I'd wake up, stroll into work late (as usual), and power on my computer to find that The Future has finally arrived. Today is that day. Pair this up with a comfortable sleep pod, and a modular bathroom/shower, and we can start living in digital human ant farms.

Stuffed into a cramped space with no AC and then being forced to watch The Phantom Menace? Sounds like hell to me.

Really? A 4:3 Lcd Screen? Is it 2003?

$8,000 and they couldn't include a fan?

Thankfully they included a "drower"...

"We don't think you should play the game, but please read about every tiny aspect of the game daily.

For the most part. The story and dialogue are cliched and wooden. Mechanically, it doesn't live up to the freedom it promised, either.

To bad the game itself is still terrible.

Ask that to my massive collection from Steam sales past...

yea i agree with not enough female protagonists (i dont think it would really fit this type of game though but thats probably just me. also, theres only 8 AC games on steam counting freedom cry so whos the 9th?). but still, not having a female protagonists is another issue. if they already chose not to have one, then

Yeah, that's one of my new favorites. To generalize, I find that Nintendo seems to do their portable AAA titles a little more faithfully to their old stuff. But yes, Link Between Worlds is awesome in every way.

Hahahaha yup! I hate that it defaults to "no," so that if you're trying to breeze through, you'll probably hear it at least twice by accident.

fuck this screen

So strong that they're referred to as "X's wife".

Interesting. Yeah I'm a little conflicted in my feelings about the sex workers in GTA V as well. I understand the criticism that she's making, but I think that the fact that the strippers in that game are able to deny the player's explicit sexual advances was a really interesting move.

Sure, but there's also an achievement for kidnapping a woman, tying her up, and letting her be run over by a train.