
Women have kids too.

At Ubisoft, someone isn't comfortable with the idea of badass female assassins. . Their "reasons" are pointless, someone doesn't like the idea and no one can do anything about it.

Same. It amazes me that even though Kotaku has great articles and tries to be inclusive and use their sway in the industry to get answers/affect change, so, so many of the commenters are the very people who are the cause of the problem.

Yeah, it's like...yeah, we should. Another thing, though, is that women make up half of the population while minorities (by nature) do not. So while they should be represented, it's more noticeable for females to not be proportionately represented.

Good point, but wasn't the issue that they were going to have women but changed their mind, or am I wrong? I honestly don't know.

That's so true. Patricia slowed down a lot after all the death/rape threats she was getting because anonymous people are awful. :/

Couldn't agree more with you!

I agree, actually.

I shouldn't be, but I'm incredibly surprised and equally disgusted by the comments in the articles about this controversy. It makes my skin crawl to be associated with many of the users commenting on posts like this. "This isn't even a real issue! Girls already have Tomb Raider, what else do they want?! Choices?!?!

They don't have to make most of their games out of men either, but they do that anyway, and leave women in the dust because of why? Old white men afraid of feminine powers or some BS like that?

I guess I missed the part where there were no women in the game at all, and none of those non-existent characters ever spoke. That it was too much to animate is bullshit because they have animators and everything in the game needs to be animated: there's a huge difference between there's too much to animate and this

As opposed to all the other animated parts of the game, like the thousands of sprites being massacred or the Huge Explosions that kill thousands more or the meticulous detail on a tank that no one can even see unless they're running the top graphics card or ... you know, what, never mind. That's a BS argument. It

While generally i object to games that don't feature women at all, and have started to stay away from them, I think in this case it was the fairly BS excuse they gave. Basically they were going to add women but realized: eh... It's too hard, why bother? Then gave some run around piece on how everyone is the same

Other than the fact that people can care about multiple things at once and you've committed a logical fallacy besides, I'd say quite a number of people care about this. Or was your comment really "Shut up, women, because this doesn't effect me so it doesn't matter!" Because if it is, I'd say that's even more reason

Well, a lot of women care. But who cares what they think, right?

How are they so progressive? (As I asked in another posting) Their top franchise recently all starred guys, which i think were all white. How's that achieving progressiveness?

im pretty sure they in full PR DAMAGE control so im not surprised that they are not willing to answer anymore "whats wrong with putting women into games?"
But its good people keep asking. At this point not putting a playable female character is baffling...

For a company which prides themselves on diversity(with good reason), they seem surprisingly inept at actually addressing questions about diversity. Their caginess is odd, as they seem like the one developer who should be the most prepared for handling questions about gender or race.