
Aonuma said that it is indeed a male Link in the video, and that the female rumors were 'getting out of hand'.

Except link was confirmed as the character already.

They already confirmed it is infact Male Link.

Finally. I've always been "too dumb for Zelda" and couldn't do anything past the first dungeon without using a walkthrough. Now, this and open-world Hyrule? Fucking yes.

No more block pushing? Sold.

To be fair, the 3DS probably has under $100 worth of parts while the Wii U has over $200 worth of parts, so there is a huge difference in terms of how much of a loss Nintendo would take.

I didnt mean to say im 100% convinced it will happen, its just a prediction, but based not on personal experience but by watching the work in the field of VR and public reactions to it which has been overwhelmingly positive. Its just one of those things where most people who start skeptical are sold on it after 2

Mario Kart 8 is actually surprisingly fun online. It's, uh, actually the first game I've ever played online. I'm into individual experiences like you, and when my boyfriend bought it for us to play a few weeks back while he was in town, I was afraid I wouldn't touch it after he left. It's actually be quite the

Metroid is truly beatable, but it requires intense internal mapmaking skills and patience. That and Kid Icarus were my two childhood triumphs. I think Metroid raised my IQ significantly, and also that's probably why I ended up liking ambient techno so much as a teen, which led to drugs, which led to the loss of any IQ

Shoulda waited! :) Ha ha, I'll probably end up regretting that I didn't wait on buying a PS4 and an Xbox One.

Two years after it was originally released, Nintendo cut the price of the Gamecube in half and threw in a Zelda compilation disc.

There's a reason they buried hundreds of this game in the desert

nice work Samus

NO. The games will come But have you held that controller?! It's horrible- The whole concept of the system is a disaster. The WiiU will never reach the level of sales needed to overcome it's weaknesses at launch. Mark my words. They can't sell a system with just a Mario Kart, Smash Brothers and promises of Zelda and

When I finally beat Metroid I remember sitting there and staring at it for about an hour, hoping someone would congratulate me.

I know it wasn't on NES, but I'm pretty sure that people going back and trying to replay E.T. on the Atari 2600 is responsible for roughly 64.8% of gun violence in this country.

Not yet. They showed off a star fox, xenoblade and zelda. combine that with bayonetta and you have the makings of some good games. But i want more then 4 games to buy a console. So in a year or two when we get a new metroid or heaven forbid something actually new and interesting i'll pick it up. Until then i'll

I saw that but $200 is still just a bit too high for me. I barely have enough time to play all the PS4 and Vita games I want to play so I'm not in a rush. By the time Zelda comes out I'm hoping that a $125-150 refurb is a thing since I'm sure it will be a while until Zelda comes out.

You're Buying a Wii U Now, Right?