
Continuing with my AC:Odyssey playthrough. About 60 hours in and it’s still really fun, but there are hints of fatigue setting in. 70 hours is typically my limit with games. It’s where I stopped with Witcher 3 and Breath of the Wild. Still, AC’s pull is seemingly stronger than those. I was actively annoyed by Witcher

So, full disclosure, I bought the XP/Drachmae booster largely because I read a lot of articles about unnecessary ‘grind’. This was a mistake. I’m gaining XP way too quickly and it’s really detracting from the gaming experience. To give you an example, I’ve just entered an area that (as I’ve read) suggests that you

It’s really awesome that the attempt is being made here, but these fan projects usually get kicked into the long grass after a while. Look at the likes of Skywind and that one person’s attempt at Ocarina using Unreal. It’s a cool proof of concept, though, and the skill (not to mention hours) involved is truly

Agreed. I think it would have been cool if, as you continued siding with a particular faction, the other was slightly more agro-ed toward you. For instance, if I’ve been siding with the Spartans, it’d be nice if I got a bit of hassle while walking past guards in Athens. Oh well...

I do the same thing. Chuck the torch on the snake, wait for the flames and then pick up the loot and collect my torch. Rinse and repeat in every tomb. No way I’m gonna even entertain the of getting any closer.

Anytime a dev starts leaning on Hollywood star power to generate interest in its game, I can’t help but think they’re either A) unconfident in the quality of the gameplay or B) self-assured to the point of hubris (or both). Think: David Cage and, to a lesser extent, Hideo Kojima. These aren’t the days of Wing

I had completely dismissed Hero Strike before reading this article. Thanks. The freedom of different play styles is really great in this game. I can’t bring myself to give up things like Spartan Kick and the one that lets you rip away an enemy’s shield. Of the three ability trees, I’m finding the Hunter tree to be of

Hold down left trigger (as if you’re aiming your bow) and then click right trigger to throw. =)

The problem I’ve had with the chickens is, in my frenzied reprisal, I tend to accidentally hit a guard and then get others targeting me for attack as well. So, yes, chickens are the most unpredictable and troublesome enemies in the game.

I’m currently playing Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation (for the first time!) on PS1 and bouncing back to ‘Shadow’ on PS4. Really enjoying both.

RIP John Candy.

Arkham Asylum is the best Arkham game in my book. It spent time building suspense and telling a story. City built up a sense of urgency, so much so that I mainlined the story thinking Batman was on an in-game countdown and would die if I didn’t get things done quickly. After about 5 hours (it seemed), the credits were

Wow. I wish I’d thought of this for Witcher 3, cuz Geralt’s English voice actor is so annoying.

The scarab battle is probably my most memorable experience in gaming. I’m so glad someone else had a similar story to tell. I won’t go into the detail of mine, but I was getting dropped off onto the second scarab via air and my friend was going to basically hover/perch on the scarab until I activated the destruct

Yes, this is my primary issue with BotW as well - the lack of doing anything meaningful. This is probably an unfair comparison to make, as the games are very different, but I felt much more compelled to finish Dark Souls than to finish BotW. Both have very weak stories (though some might say DS has boatloads of

I can’t say that Steam, specifically, is impacting my life negatively. I probably have a bit of an imbalanced approach to the little free time I have and should spend more time with my wife on weekday evenings, but that’s to do with games in general, not Steam as such. My issue with Steam - or Valve - is that I find

I wish I had your strength. I quit Facebook, so Steam should be as easy. Oh wait, I just saw my total Steam expenditure was £1810.14. Guess I’m not willing to give up that investment just yet. That said, I’ve probably spent the equivalent on GOG, Humble and all the other services. Not to mention the PS4, Switch and

I wish I was as nostalgic for the SNES as I am the NES, but I am not sure I can even bring myself to buy the NES Classic when it’s re-released. Maybe it’s just the aversion to emulation, which is likely unfounded and dumb on my part (says the guy who bought a Retro 5 before he thought it through). Anyway, it’s also

I wish I was as nostalgic for the SNES as I am the NES, but I am not sure I can even bring myself to buy the NES

The kids won’t eat for a month

Ugh. Yeah, their justification is...poorly conceived. Did the Cosplayers express agency when they made (or not) the editorial decision to include those particular images alongside headlines to get clicks?