“Please enjoy Tim taking us on a journey through the other side of E3.”
“Please enjoy Tim taking us on a journey through the other side of E3.”
I played about 70 hours of Witcher 3 and tried very hard to like it, but it just didn’t happen. I’m a big RPG fan, but W3 fell flat. It was a combination of an uninteresting player character (Geralt), tropey narratives and NPCs, a highly detailed but uninspiring world, and finally...those abominable question marks…
I’m also playing Andromeda. While I couldn’t get into DA: Inquisition, I’m enjoying ME:A. I’m a bit unique in my views, though, because I wasn’t as fond of ME2 and ME3 as a lot of others were. I felt like the plots and gameplay of those games were trying to fall too much on the ‘cinematic’ side of things. I also felt…
Have you tried Horizon Chase Turbo? It’s actually quite a lot of fun and is reminiscent of the arcade classics of the 90s with a modern feel.
Well, it’s going to be a heavy purchase week for me. Just picked up Horizon Chase Turbo and then it will be:
So, are ALL games losing their free online capabilities once Nintendo Online roles out or just the Nintendo-published ones? For instance, will I be able to play Rocket League without paying a subscription? If not, I want my money back on a handful of games - and then may sell my Switch, because that’s nasty.
Ronald or Donald - I don’t care what his name is, he still scares the shit out of me.
What specific use do people need these stands for? Is it for watching YouTube alongside one’s office computer? Does someone really need it propped up like that to take a call like in the photo? Isn’t it harder to operate in that position than to just pick it up and start typing? I’m genuinely interested to hear what…
What specific use do people need these stands for? Is it for watching YouTube alongside one’s office computer? Does…
I’m 120 hours in and only just leaving the second map/act. I don’t know if that’s a sign of a good game or a bad one, but I’m thinking the former. I gave up on Zelda BoTW after 100 hours and 2/4 beasts conquered. Haven’t gone back. DOS2 keeps pulling me back in. If you’re a crafting nut like me, I recommend the…
“[...] rather than trying to police other people for shit you probably jerk off to when you think no one’s looking.”
I uninstalled Witcher 3 AND deleted all of my saves after 70 hours of gameplay. Games that will never get uninstalled from my machine:
This comment rocks and it really whittles down the issue of how modern racism is being inappropriately applied to a period when the signifiers of ‘otherness’ were a bit different than they are today. Yet it is that same modern racism that’s employed in the defence of lazy narratives. The mental gymnastics necessary to…
Your comment and the one by Reutermosss that kickstarted this discussion are the best ones attached to this article. One only need look at emotive political movements to see this selective history at play. In the British context, we saw this in 1968 with Enoch Powell’s ‘River of Blood’ speech where he suggested that…
I started with the WoW beta in 2004. Took a hiatus when I studied abroad the next year and the university didn’t allow internet access for games. That was it for me - never went back full time. I think the last expansion I bought was WotLC. I’d go through spells of paying for two months after each expansion. I think…
I backed both PoE 1 and 2, but haven’t played much of the first. I blame the backlog. More recently, I blame the Divinity games. D:OS2 is great. I’m about halfway through and decided to take a break to avoid finishing it (I want something to look forward to). Just went back to Divine Divinity, which is also great.…
It’s “Divine Divinity” for me. Set it down four years ago and forgot to go back. Now it’s time to rectify that. Larian’s newer games (DOS:1&2) retained a lot of features from DD. It’s not a perfect game, but it’s still fun. I enjoy the pause mechanic, which differentiates it from the likes of Diablo, Titan Quest and…
One of things I wish Steam would implement is the ability to mark certain games as owned on alternate platforms. I always get recommended games I already own on GOG. If I mark one of these as ‘not interested’, I tend to (wrongly) suspect that it will change what games are recommended to me.
Thanks for that detailed reply. It’s reassuring to hear that the game offers a lot to enjoy. I do quite like the idea of meandering around the world. Perhaps after I’ve knocked out a few more games in my backlog, I’ll pick this up - that should also give the devs time to continue working out some of the kinks. Your…
By all accounts, I should be desperate for this game, but the reviews have put me right off. Is it truly as bad as people are saying? Guess I’ll have to wait for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. If it’s anythig like the original and Warband, at least I’ll know what I’m getting myself into.
This story got me interested in a game that has thus far been doing a fantastic job in its current role as a dust depository. It’s one of the first games I bought for my PS4, because I heard about all of the problems on PC. I played a few hours of it and then didn’t go back to it simply because I felt I’d had my fill…