
A lot of time and love went into this article (travel diary?). Awesome work!

Larian is one of the few developers that still gives me that old-school vibe. They keep ploughing away at an established universe, but also innovate their game design enough to keep things interesting. I’m always amazed how many ideas from the first game, Divine Divinity, ended up in D:OS and D:OS2. I’m currently

Oh Dark Souls 3... What a weird hodgepodge of Dark Souls and Bloodborne. I love and respect DS and Bloodborne, but kind of feel that DS3 doesn’t know what universe it’s in due to all of the reused assets and some of the enemies that looked yanked straight out of Bloodborne. DS1 will always reign supreme in my mind and

I’m finally playing through D:OS2 now. Took me and a friend about 3 years to finally beat D:OS1 - but not out of lack of interest! Anyway, D:OS2 is amazing. It’s not any one element that stands out exactly, but the whole concept and implementation. I find myself thinking about the game randomly throughout the day and

To be honest, Cleveland doesn’t come out of this looking all that great. “Here’s an ultimatum: play as a woman or have a better, more refined gameplay experience”. I mean, is that really a choice?

Having such fond memories of (and still owning) the Apple Extended Keyboard 1 & 2, I’m fond of the ALPS switches. So, it’s the Matias Tactile Pro keyboard for me. It cycles between typing and gaming duties and works well in both scenarios. Still, I’d like the opportunity to test out some Cherry blues/browns at some

Meh. I’m burnt out on (Star Wars) movies. I’ve got the same feeling about SW as I do about the Marvel movies. I stopped after the first Avengers and have only seen Logan since then. They’re all so similar (though I hear Thor 3 is good?). TLJ is not all that groundbreaking or ‘edgy’ - just a lot of re-hashed scenes

I ACTUALLY married (a) Lydia. Calling her my “Housecarl” never gets old...for me. Sometimes she sits in the dark and randomly welcomes her “Thane” back to the (Breeze)home - scares the crap out of me every time.

Divinity: Original Sin 2 and Horizon Zero Dawn for me. Can’t decide what to focus on just yet!

I really want to like this game, but remember thinking it was a bit bland when playing it back in the PS2 era. I remember being told to play Ico, as it was the inspiration for Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. I found that game pretty boring as well (this coming from someone who likes many ‘walking simulators’). It

How does this compare to something like Train Fever, which was pretty much abandoned when the dev moved on to Transport Fever?

For someone who already struggles to see the point in Amiibo (plural: Amiibos?), my brain is breaking over the fact that this little cardboard statuette with no NFC capability is being called an Amiibo. Pls to explain?!?

I missed all of 2005 as well. Started WoW in beta and then quit after a year. I dabbled for a week or two after each expansion up to Lich King and then hung up the hat. Thanks for reminding me why I did so poorly at university that year...

I haven’t played a single Assassin’s Creed yet that hasn’t overstayed its welcome - and I include ACII in that.

Same! I listed it on eBay the same day I received it from Amazon. That’s definitely a first. I’m sorry, but if the game didn’t entice me to play within the first few hours, I’m not going to ‘work’ at it given that there are so many other games out there (and in my backlog) to play.

That Twilight Zone episode still haunts me. What a wonderful analogy! These days, I’m basically sacrificing work or family life to play video games, which then just makes me spiral into feelings of guilt and despair. Some of my family life can feature video games, I suppose, but gone are the days of sinking 200 hours

Atari Video Pinball, of course.

“Whereas the writing in The Witcher is often times great, but at least almost universally strong, making even the most mundane task pretty interesting”

I tried to get into AC:O. Gave it a couple hours and just felt totally disconnected from the world. There’s no initial storyline to pull you in like with AC4. The main character is pretty wooden (at least at the start), which made my initial engagement with AC:Syndicate more enjoyable. There’s a hawk or eagle which

Don’t you mean, ‘it sounds good on....cardboard’? =P But yes, totally agree. I watched that video and thought all of those ‘devices’ would be in pieces in minutes (if they ever functioned at all).