Happy to not see a Witcher 3 photo under the headline. =)
Happy to not see a Witcher 3 photo under the headline. =)
Great read. Especially impactful given the recent loss of my father. These little moments turn out to be huge, treasured memories after a loved one is gone. When dad passed, I struggled finding meaning in life and felt like packing things in myself. After the raw intensity of the initial loss is gone, I still ache…
They kind of acknowledged that in the Abstergo sections of Rogue. There’s a little note or something you find that discussed the beauty of ‘reused assets’ in game design. Made me chuckle.
Yes. For those who played it, it seems to be well-liked, and I missed it as I’d sold my PS3 by the time it was released. So, it’s a probable purchase for me despite already owning it on PC.
Ugh. I JUST bought Rogue in the Steam Winter Sale and would have preferred it on PS4, because UPlay games stream terribly to the TV. That said, Rogue seems alright given I bought it on Steam (still links to UPlay), but I would like to have had that remastered goodness...
Yeah. Was with my dad when he died a couple months ago. We were invited back in after the nurse had time to clean him up and lay him out. I passed on the opportunity. It was like, after witnessing his death, I knew nothing of him remained and didn’t see the point. In any case, he was an incredible man and life is a…
I’m currently playing through AC4 again (never completed it back in the day) and I remember having a fonder view of Edward than I do now. Still, he’s higher on my list than Bayek, as his characterisation is slightly more interesting. Of course, I’d watch Ezio eat a taco and find that more interesting than all the…
I have these Anker ear buds and while they’re functional for the price (and I generally love Anker products for their price/quality ratio), these are just “okay”. The sound is tinny and you need to shove them totally in your ear to get any semblance of bass. Without that seal, they sound like every other pair of £15…
I have these Anker ear buds and while they’re functional for the price (and I generally love Anker products for…
Ignoring the content of the sign for a moment, it would be annoying to have ANY sign blocking people’s view. Staff might have taken it away under this pretext alone for all we know.
“...we both do...”
The author was clear in explaining how the word ‘slash’ came to be used, but I’m still unclear why the word ‘ship’ is used. I get what it’s come to mean, but what is the link between the word and what it represents? Why ‘ship’? Is it short for ‘relationship’? Thanks!
I played AC:O for a couple hours and then turned around and sold it the same day I bought it. There was no story to speak of to draw me in. Why do I care about this character? What is the context of the world? This is stuff that might come down the line, but it was hard to feel invested at the beginning. Why am I…
While I respect that it’s unfortunate to get rejected initially, I’m also quite happy that GOG has not become a murky bog of shovelwear like Steam. This game may get approved on a subsequent submission, and as others have said, it’s still available elsewhere for those that want it. I find Steam to now be borderline…
Yeah, that is definitely the quality that is unique about BotW, and that random, emergent aspect is why it deserves GOTY and all the rest of it. My problem is that while that kind of awe-inspiring gameplay held me for a long time, I needed more story or an element of intrigue or something to keep me invested.…
Guess I’ll have to set down my Switch version and return to PC to give this a try at some point. One of the joys of the Switch version, beyond portability, is that I’m not tempted to go down the rabbit hole of mods. But at the same time...mods. Mmmmm.
They are quite different games. I really enjoyed BotW, but quit after about 70 hours. I keep coming back to Skyrim. Perhaps it’s because the dialogue is more interesting than ‘Oy’, ‘Awww’ or *grunt*. I get lost in the world of Skyrim wherea BotW’s world feels like a means to an end in many ways. It’s hard to describe,…
I am returning to Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag, which I never finished. This time, I’m playing on PS4, because Steam Streaming UPlay games bought on UPlay and not Steam is poor, to say the least. Framerate drops are all over the place. I have a new resolution of sorts: If a PC game requires UPlay or Origin, I’m…
Exactly. After about 70 hours, I was burnt out, but those first 70 hours were amazing! Still haven’t finished the game, though. Maybe one of these days...
As common as this is going to be, my favorurite moment was probably when I realised that BoTW was instilling the same joy in video games I remember having as a child. Can’t put a finger on if it was an exact moment in the game or a general feeling. As time wore on, BoTW got repetitive - like all open world games that…
Can’t speak to HDR, but I was unimpressed with Origins. I’m similarly burnt out by open world madness. That said, I recently re-purchased AC: Black Flag and AC: Syndicate, which never streamed well from Steam/UPlay to my client PC attached to the TV. My new ‘resolution’ is that any Ubisoft games I want to play have to…