I both salute you and shake my head. =)
I both salute you and shake my head. =)
It's stuff like this that leave me so conflicted about Kickstarter. On the one hand, there are some quality games and random hardware I've backed that have turned out to be absolutely brilliant. Then there's stuff like this. I can't argue with the skill involved, but it doesn't seem to be in the spirit of the service.…
Mouse & Keyboard FTW
All I know is that the gamersgate.co.uk website is probably getting a lot more hits these days, and that can only be a good thing for them.
I've recently gone back to play Divine Divinity and my PhD is suffering for it. What a great game that completely passed me by! It's just so rich and detailed. The writing is great and the cultural references, such as a note under an apple tree written by a man pondering the possibility of a force like gravity, really…
While I own the GOG versions of BG1&2 and ID1&2, I can't help but desire the remastered versions. That said, with Baldur's Gate Trilogy installed, I sometimes think the fan-corrected originals are more stable than the remastered ones. While updated ID games are welcomed, my wallet isn't as pleased. iOS support is…
I'm in total agreement about this game, but I'm another guilty party. I too mocked my wife's avatar name and then felt very guilty afterward when she changed it. It hurt my soul. Anyway, nevermind! We're having a blast. She's just pissed off that I used the water scroll accidentally and we watched the ship burn and…
I admittedly don't watch any anime or read manga and I realise that there must be some great entertainment out there, but I must say, this kind of stuff does NOTHING to help promote the image of anime to those already disinclined from viewing it. And of course that's not the reason it's being made - it's made for fans…
I'm sorry to hear that and hope you guys find a way to work through it together. Emotions go all over the place at the beginning - that's how it was for my family when my dad was first diagnosed. There will be an equilibrium at some stage until things go crazy again. All the best to you and your family.
Yep. A lot of people in my life as well, including my dad; his is terminal. I think humour remains an important coping mechanism, and as a family we make jokes about things, but 'get cancer' is neither witty nor therapeutic.
To recap: the top vote-getters were...
Shock treatment and lobotomies should do the trick.
I sometimes wonder if the people who say things like 'get cancer' are those that have not dealt with it directly themselves. So, it kind of makes me think that these would be, on the whole, younger people. Until I was about 10, I didn't really understand the prevalence of cancer. Now that I'm 30, I feel like 1 in 5…
Yeah. I am with you 100% on this assessment. The thick people who think video games make kids violent will also be thick enough to think this account is serious. It does nothing to help reverse the mindset of someone who can't actually see the satire in the first place. It reminds me of the people who initially…
Hell, I'd buy it for the lovely sentiment alone. Who gives a toss that the cover has writing on it? However, it's Final Fantasy, and that series didn't hold my interest past the NES era.
I've had an iPhone/iPad and if I could draw a line graph depicting the gaming I have done on each over time, it would start in the upper left and end in the lower right. The only game I play on my iPhone is Words with Friends, and that's more like a weekly chore. I haven't touched my iPad for gaming in about six…
Nah. It wasn't very good at all. They reserved their female protagonist for a crappy handheld game that got ported to consoles and was equally shitty (I know, I sadly own it). Nope. NEXT!
Well THAT sounds dangerous!
God, I love Running Man.
What on earth is that device she's carrying, though?