
A new IP. Oh, and a bit of 3rd party support thrown in (I don't necessarily want ports of PS4 or XBone games, but games made specifically for Wii U - give them a reason too, please).

Someone literally JUST shared this on her Facebook wall and I remembered your comment so thought I'd share it with you. It's a good one:

Glad you had fun, but let's face it, that post was an excuse for you to post an image of your cosplay in an attempt to get some props.

Well, fuck me. That was better than I thought it was going to be and put a smile on my face before Friday work kicks in.

Nationalism is a gap-filler. How do you tie together a bunch of people with disparate opinions, backgrounds and beliefs? Make them love the almighty state! It's poisonous and it breeds as much hatred and ill-will as any other fundamentalist belief. But be prepared for some backlash. Many people have been raised since

Yeah, and don't be the wrong 'kind' of woman, or you won't be taken seriously (or worse).

I don't think 'Officer Friendly' ever existed for some communities. Institutional racism took care of that. Stop-and-search stats are enough to show that it remains a problem, and in some locations is becoming worse.

Yes, but I want to know if the playable character can put his hands in his pockets, because that's what they tried to sell me on! =) This is a game I'm quite pleased to let pass me by. Maybe next time, Ubisoft (though you're going to need to change your formula of the masked/hooded white male antihero as well).

To be fair, the game looks like shit (as a game, not simply visuals). I like the fact that it continues to get negative publicity - perhaps Ubisoft will start to realise that their formula isn't working. Or...not.

You're precious.

This game looks absolutely uninspired. Not even the PC graphics overhaul can save this one. Is this not just a clone of every GTA game released in the last 10 years (not that those are particularly inspired themselves)? *yawn*

Ha. That is the kind of defensive stance people take when they don't want to admit that a system is a bit too complicated for them to understand or critique. It's easier to understand the wondrous simplicity of capitalism, which irons out all wrongs and complexities. Why am I not surprised you defaulted to the free

Ah, so the game makers have no responsibilities. It's whatever we make it? Despite being offered confined worlds within strict parameters? These are not just random incidents in the real world. They are framed and constructed by the developer. You are encouraged to view and interact in these environments that are

I think this is a problem that doesn't really take Sarkeesian to point out to us, but some people will perhaps benefit from her particular style. I'm mixed, personally. I appreciate the points, but I think that it would be perhaps more interesting if she had someone else on screen. In any case, I still ascribe to the

Let's see, not counting iPhone and DS titles (which were all males), we've had 8 console/PC games (including Unity). They were all male protagonists. We then had a single handheld title released on Vita and later ported to consoles and PC that included a female. So, a conservative estimate is 1/9th of the AC games

But that's kind of a non-answer in a way. Isn't it? It's like saying: "Oh, don't worry...we excluded females as playable characters anyway, so it wouldn't make much difference - at most you would just see one of the other assassins as female. What's the point?"

Doesn't Bonnie get hung and if I remember right, some of the dialog in that scene is suggestive of the threat of sexual violence? I think Bonnie is a pretty poor example when trying to challenge the 'trope of women' argument. She's strong, yes, but she slips into trope territory as well.

Ha. Ha. Hmmm. 'Historically accurate' Wild West game. I love this place. So entertaining.

Haha. Thanks for that. =) I'm sadly too old for merit badges myself. Oh well! I appreciate the reply. It made me chuckle. I saw a woman driving today with her England flags waving off the side of her car and I wanted to yell out: 'Did you get the memo?' Enjoy the rest of the World Cup. =)