
I find that 30fps is kinda seizure-inducing. I occasionally catch the flicker and I begin not trusting my eyes. Destiny or not, I guess it's PC for me until the next generation rolls eight years.

I don't give two fucks about Destiny on consoles or PC, but there has been this news item floating around, so maybe bobsplosion may get that last laugh he's looking for (we'll see):…

Might you be around age 15 or 16? I'm just curious why you chose '15' specifically. Had you been 35, maybe you'd say something like 'over 20'. I'm just testing my investigatory skills here, you see. They're going to give me a merit badge in profiling commenters on game websites.

Yep. To you. =)

I never said that this was the first instance of a developer exaggerating a game's graphical prowess for the purposes of a demonstration. This just happens to be one of the more blatant examples. I think it is fair to be shocked, even though the practice is quite regular. If you do not think so, I apologise for

Nope. They are all justified. It further demonstrates Ubisoft's attitude toward the player, and its expectations of what the typical player is like. It seems increasingly to be a company that has very little interest in offering entertainment that is interesting, dynamic or respectful to all parties. And I include the

Yeah! I remember that too. Is he able to put his hands in his pockets in the release version? I don't know, I didn't buy it. The game looks boring as hell. But, what do I know? Some people love it!

Wow. That is shocking. It seems absurd to me that they went in with that mindset - the mindset that we will just use these graphics to impress, to get people pumped. Fuck me. Ubisoft deserves all the shit it is getting.

Hopefully Nordic can help smooth out the legacy of THQ's rough edges (though Nordic's got a few rough edges of its own).

Fuck. My resolve is down. I've been fighting this fight too long. I'm going to go into a corner and have a teary wank. *boo hoo* *fluooip, fluooip"

That's no woman.

Totally. I just found it a bit funny. It was a lame joke. Apologies.

Kung, the bastard cousin of Kong! He's a mysterious one. =)

How fucking dare you?! =P

Patrick Stewart never looked so good!



Despite all the hubbub, this is what I remember the most. Ugh, Nintendo...why?