
I'd guess the real trick here is firing off a missile out of a truck window w/o frying the guys inside. Compressed air w/ a delayed ignition maybe.

You a librarian?

During the summer, particularly august, you can get some sun. And based on the website that's when they're planning on making these available. Thinking of Seattle always makes me think of Pike's Place Market. It would be so awesome to live near there. I'd die fat, probably of a heart attack, and before reaching

In related news, the number drownings in the greater Seattle area expected to double in 2012.


True. I remember the parents of engineering majors getting the impression that we where all lazy because when we got home all we did was sleep for two weeks. Eventually they figured out it was because we hadn't slept in 2 months.

I was doing stuff like that w/ a big wheel in 83. Granted, with out the van. The thing started to disintegrate out from under me as it was anyway.

There's actually some good stuff in there. Picked up a couple albums myself even though I prefer buying physical media.

Sure, not terribly efficient in the packaging department. But for a busy single guy who just needs a cup on his way out the door in the morning these things are ideal. And they make a good cup of coffee, not great, but good. Clearly, Adrian, you've never had a truly bad cup of coffee.

Not surprising given all the crap I have to sort thru on facebook.

"There are plenty of proprietary things iOS can do that Android can't without using a non proprietary version —Siri and Facetime, for example"

My thoughts exactly

I blame Angelina Jolie. Or did, right up until she wore that see thru black top.

What? No Don Ho? Bubbles fail.


While I appreciate the neat cooking tech and the goal of burger perfection I'm afraid that's just overkill to accomplish something that's already attainable w/ more traditional methods. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go get lunch.

Agreed. While I still buy a lot of stuff from Amazon, when I looked at eBooks and the Kindle I saw to many similarities to Apple. Proprietary formats, DRM, ect. Anything to get you locked into their system. That's why I went nook instead. Not perfect, still has some publisher enforced DRM, but at least it stuck

While I've never used one this high before, I have seen/used similar climbing wall pool combo's like this before. They're a blast if you ever get the chance.

It's great to see more rugged phones coming to market. Too bad the inclusion of the buttons implies that they're not intending to use ICS.

While I don't disagree with all of your criticisms, personally I think the photo manipulation they showed was far easier with the finer control of the stylus/corners. Pinch/zoom is fine for things like a map where you don't care if zoom in a little less or more than you intended, but not so much for things like photo