
"Regardless of why it's the case, it's another great reason to clamp down on the availability of firearms."

The only thing wrong with red meat is that we overindulge, a problem we have with pretty much everything.

wakers01 was dead on. All I would add is that whatever weapon you choose (and the best way really is to just go shoot a selection at a range/club and see whats comfortable) you practice regularly to make sure you're proficient with the weapon.

The kick on this thing must be horrible. I can't help but notice that after mister big shot fired off his clip they didn't show you the grouping. Not to mention that a grip that thick looks really uncomfortable to hold, which will also contribute to bad accuracy.

What if you want to buy the world a Pepsi?

My understanding, and it's just an impression formed from the news clips so I could be way off, is that this is a regular spot/route for cruise ships. In this case, the captain took the boat closer to land than he should have or is customary. Assuming that's true, than I'd guess that pushing the ship off the edge of

Netflix utilized modern technology to create a service that people wanted at a price they where willing to pay. It's a real shame that not only the cable companies, but the studios, seem to be doing everything they can to kill it.

Problem with your last idea there is that I'm guessing you'd be parking that new artificial reef right in the middle of a shipping lane.

"why would Apple offer Amazon's Kindle app on the iPad?"

Basically what you've got here is the Dark Knight. A bunch of mob bosses (publishers) are sick and tired of this vigilante (Amazon) messing up there established markets and business practices. They have no way of dealing with it on there own, so they hire the Jocker (Apple) to do something about it, and he brings

Apple used to be buddy buddy w/ a lot of companies, including there more recent arch rivals Google and Adobe. These days the only company they still seem to do little back door favors with is Microsoft.

"But don't get down on Apple for bullying." - What, just because Kodak was a douche we can't get down on Apple? If that's how we played the game we couldn't criticize anyone, because every tech company out there either started or was forced to take part in the patent wars.

In case you wondered what OS the bat phone runs.

I'd love to have a set of binoculars like these, but I'd love to have 15k in expendable income even more.

Very cool. Plus the added bonus that as long as this is taking up Cameron's time he won't be out trying to promote 3D in movies.

Thank god. These kind of back alley, price fixing, anti-competitive, monopolizing business practices are exactly why I've had such a beef with apple for the better part of the last decade.

Couldn't have said it better. The corn lobby in this country screwing w/ markets via government subsidies is the only real problem with HFCS, or ethanol for that matter.

I must admit, I had an involuntary flinch just from reading them.

Very cool, although I suspect, for right now anyway, it would have issues moving over uneven ground.

I do have some red hair, mostly in my beard. Does that mean I have a pain resistant chin?