
Yes, they where tied to the advertisements, but as I understand it, only if you logged into your google account first.

This is simple people. I created and used a Google account. As part of that, Google said they where going to track me for reasons x, y, and z. I said ok. As John Q. Consumer I do not know nor particularly care how they accomplish this. Meanwhile, at some point someone told me I should set my browser security

That's not exactly true. You had to "op'ed in" by signing in to Google. So essentially you have some functionality here, tracking via cookies, that you've ok'd w/ Google while simultaneously disallowed with your browser. Sure, Google found some functionality in browsers that they could exploit to accomplish there

While I agree that IE/Safari can't be expected to fend off all attacks, this doesn't get them off the hook in this case IMO. They basically said there security policy/settings do x, and actually did y. Sure, Google was taking advantage of the functionality/weakness, but only when you signed in to Google, part of

My thoughts exactly.

"the pigeon slaughter" - I almost died laughing at that. People like this are clearly in need of more important things to worry about. Too bad too, I pulled up Broxton's website and it looks like a nice place. If I find myself in SC at some point I'll probably look them up.

I doubt the issue was the threat of being tapped, even though that's what the activists are stating. It probably had a lot more to do w/ the prospect of loud buzzing things flying about and scaring all the prey away.

"and make it clear that she's interested"

Wow. Somehow you managed to instantly go from talking about harassment in the form of oogeling to rape. WTF.

On behalf of myself and all other men that hate wearing ties I fully support your insane argument.

I vote for the expanded/loose definition for planking, if for no other reason than to avoid yet more terms for people in stupid poses posted to the interwebs.

Sure, this shows a lack of attention to detail, and should be fixed. But this is the least important thing in the app.

"so let's just trust ourselves to control how iOS work" - ROFL. That's like asking PETA to host a wild game BBQ.

Seems like a waste, given that helium is quickly becoming a rare material.

If Google sticks with there usual MO there will be some sort of api for third parties to tie into. I'm guessing this will end up as part of Android@Home.

Actually it's a real shame that a clever nostalgic product like this would get sued into oblivion. Should they pay a small fee for the use of apple's logo. Hell yes. But removing a clever product form the market over dumb stuff like that is a tragedy.

That was a weird thought progression.

I still don't get all the hub bub here at Giz. The basic protections on your data haven't changed, there just treating your account like a single account instead of sorta the same account and sorta not depending on what service your using.

We need this thing at Candlestick.

No you don't. The angle that my legs are forced to sit at pushes my knee's up into the back of the seat in front of me. The seats recline is fairly limited, so when I recline that angle doesn't change, but it's enough so the guy in front of me can do a good number on my knee's