
I know the feeling. I'm probably hating-reading with almost every article I read on Jezebel. It's not my fault though!! I don't come here intentionally, it's those damned links gawker puts at the bottom of my Giz articles. Every once in awhile I seem= one and can't help but click on the radical left wing insanity.

I actually just noticed the 80's show, which I vaguely remember watching and liking when I was a kid, available for streaming on netflix and was thinking I'll have to give it another go. As for this one, sounds cheesy, but I'll probably at least check out the pilot.

Ok, that was pretty funny. The front end engineer, with a tie on, and back end engineer, hippy mofo, had me laughing. That, and I was caught off guard with the corporate computer and a bottle of wine, almost spit out my tea.

I have no problem with tech companies not actively, ie headhunting, perusing each others employee's if they choose not to. But if you post/advertise a job opening, and your competitions employee sends in a resume, that's fair game.

I'm glad to see B&N and the Nook seem to be doing well. I love mine, but is seems most of the people in my personal circle of friends have gone kindle. I like amazon for a lot of stuff, but won't buy ebooks from them. Proprietary formats, IMO, are forboden.

Unfortunately, politics has completely screwed over this issue. The earth has warmed, but how much will it? For how long? Is it a natural cycle? Man made? Some combo of both (which, lets face it, is the most likely scenario)? Do to the heavy politics around this issue, no one is really trying to answer these

"Good artists copy but great artists steal." - Picasso, via Steve Jobs

Rich, diplomatic immunity, lots of young aids running around. I'm pretty sure a UN heavy party could go through 30 pounds of blow in record time.

Come see beautiful Canada, the 51st state.

So apple is patenting an application that uses auto discovery and a card layout. For the love of god, why don't they just patent my right to breathe and put me out of my misery.

I never said they where the only offender. But defiantly the worst, and the only one's that tried to use these silly patents to block competing products. Why compete when you can litigate. That pisses me off, and now someone is using there own absurd tactic against them. I hope they get there asses handed to them.

That's what I meant by works with a pc. And even then, if that "work" is basically confined to MS Office, I could see that migrating to tablets/phones as well, although probably w/ the docking option as Ogilvy describes. But for programming, systems modeling, GIS, CAD, ect, ect, we'll probably always want/need a

Nope, and never will. While I think mobile computing is awesome, I do write apps after all, there are some things that just aren't practical on a little touch screen. For someone that doesn't work with computers, maybe, but for the rest of us smartphones will augment, but never replace, a regular pc. Kinda like dron

I like the basic idea. Portable, simple, flexible for multiple cooking applications. But kinda pricey for what's essentially a couple of pieces of sheet metal with notches in them.

Sure, not the worlds greatest cup of coffee. But still pretty good, not to mention the huge selection, including teas, ciders, and hot coco's as well. Add to that the fact that the quick/easy convenience factor saves my life every morning, if you tried to take my K-cups away, I'd seriously have to shoot you.

Absurd patents and claims, but so is everything Apple's thrown the other direction. You reap what you sow Apple.

I love my Springfield XDm and I'm planning on picking up a Glock 19c for CC. Personally I don't find the S&W M&P comfortable, but I know a lot of guys who swear by them. I've also got a buddy w/ an H&K USP which is a great gun, particularly for lefty's, although pricey. At the end of the day, you really just want

I don't agree w/ what Google did here. But keep in mind that to a lot of people the "evil" ones are american drug companies keeping the price of pharmaceuticals up. To them, Google's illegal act would be viewed as a noble.

Not saying I agree w/ what Google did, but Rosa Parks engaged in illegal activity when she refused to ride in the back of the bus. I don't know about you, but I'm not going to give that the evil tag.

Sorry guys. While drones play an important and increasing role in our military, they will never replace manned flight.