
@presto117, @dgkzoidberg While I would agree that the cognitive understanding technology behind Siri is superior to Kinect, I would argue that the simplicity of a few commands on Kinect provides a superior user experience for the time being. Siri has a greater range of functionality, but from the simple "I say

I say we just nuke Apple. Not only rids us of this bullshit, but makes additional space for a new Niners stadium as well (although, deep down, I wish they'd build a new one at candlestick).

I suspect that newer versions of android would ultimately be attacked as well, as they've all got this feature. 2.2 was probably just the latest version at the time of the filing.

Stuff like this is the reason I love those geeks at Google.

"are broad, generic — and actually seem like legitimate claims"

"While it's unsurprising that Apple would be keen to roll Siri into more of its products, this could explain why the beta software isn't quite right yet."

I barely look at Facebook anymore and only post stuff on Google plus these days. That said, I've never been much of a social networker and my activity accounts for maybe 0.5% of the average teenage girl.

Why does this category even exist? They're iOS apps. Some designed for the iPhone, some for the iPad, some for both.

Yet one more reason I'm glad I stay off the twit sphere.

On the flip side though, you can get honey w/ very positive properties (like extra antioxidants) by keeping plants w/ those properties near your hives.

I suspect politicians. This whole thing reminds me of the F-14 screwups. Primarily that it was initially brought to the fight w/ under powered engines do to the fact that some congressman was able to tie in an engine manufacturer from his state. It took years, millions of dollars, and the lives of (I think) about 7

The short answer, hopefully nothing. The point of having an air-to-air fighter that can take out 2 or 3 other fighters before they even know what's going on is so you never have to do any air-to-air fighting. Now, how much is it worth spending to maintain that kind of air superiority? That's a question that can be

West coast trumps east coast every time.

So, basically, it's not really the toys that are a disappointment, but girls.

However you spell it, Cartman will get them.

"next week's Star Wars: The Old Republic can meet your demand".

"I can't own a Samsung. I'm creative."


Actually I hate adjustable keyboard trays. There too low and far away from the screen for me to use comfortable, and retracted they get in the way of my knees.

I can't help but find this somewhat ironic, given last time I was in Europe and attended the worlds fair (2000, so yes, it's been awhile), all any countries booth wanted to talk about was there freaking website. That said, there may be something too a life free of the interwebs.