
So what is the state paying them with? Almonds? No, wait, no bee's so no almonds.

While I feel bad for her (and my profession, which could use more members of the fairer sex), she was the one that allowed this to escalate. Now if you want to criticize our criticisms, as men just don't get it, that's fair. Men and woman are different, and sometimes we have a lot of difficulty seeing things from

You sir, deserve a heart.

Just doesn't happen. While there are a handful of bow hunting accidents every year, there typically do to someone being/acting stupid, not because said idiot couldn't see what he was shooting at. But hey, if it makes you feel better than go ahead. Plus, there's always the blaze orange camo option.

While blaze orange is advisable (and usually required) during rifle season, it's typical for hunters to go in camo during bow season.

This would be pretty awesome. Just the other night I tried to capture to bucks fighting it out in front of my parents place but it was to dark to get a picture.

If I was a betting man, i'd be putting on my money on purgatory. I'm sure people will tinker, but I don't see much else happening with the platform. WebOS simply doesn't have any real pluses that you don't already get with Android. IMO, the only real chance WebOS has of ever having a real presence is if Amazon

Someone will claim c/p error, but Mr. Diaz knows what he did.

I am more than willing to concede that my statement was technically inaccurate, and should have been phrased as "patent systems" or maybe even "most patent systems", if you are willing to concede that your being a bit of an anal retentive douche.

My bad. Spell check error.

Which word did you not understand?

You sound like a great parent.

I'm typically not a fan of the ascetics of most modern "sports" cars, but I've got to admit this thing is kinda badass looking, to bad it's not all that fast.

Yet further evidence that the patent system is FUBAR. In a related note, paybacks a bitch boys!

Actually that's not far off. Many attempts have been made in several states to classify a fertilized egg as a human being, thus making abortion illegal (since the rights of the woman would not technically be overridden by the rights of this "human being") as well as many forms of birth control, including the morning

True, if you know nothing about guns you look at that statement and see only diameter, which doesn't make much sense. But to anyone familiar with guns it makes perfect sense, since we know that a 9mm is a smaller round (less mass) and smaller charge (less energy) than a .30 caliber. A domain knowledge quirk, but not

Now this is a hamburger to stop your heart over.

"So no, Siri isn't Pro-Life. She's Bing. "

I agree that if she was thinking that she'd have checked the thing from the get go and avoided the hassle. But thinking ahead doesn't strike me as this girls MO. Either way, there's still no way I'd ever glance at that thing and mistake it for a real gun, even in a split second, and I'd question the competence of

Based on the picture, I'll agree her sense of fashion is somewhat lacking, I don't agree with the TSA on this. It's not a gun, it's not a replica of a gun. It's a plastic molding, maybe 60% of the actual size, of half of a fancy old west style revolver, mounted on a piece of leather. Assuming you could even manage