
I agree that they're not the exact same thing, but I do feel you have some philosophical overlap when you promote independent thinking but provide users/developers a walled up platform. It's apples and oranges, but there still both fruit.

I respect Steve Jobs but I'm also very critical of him. Consider the following hypocrisy:

Thanks for the info. That's good to know. Nothing would make me happier than Apple's attempts to block competition backfire on them in a big way. If they do get hit bad enough, maybe the mobile market can get back to competition through sales and not courts.

Cluzee, Iris, Eva, Jeannie. Voice-to-text has been built into Android since 1.6, and apps like this have been around just as long. We've seen an explosion of new one's since Siri came out, but so what. From what I've seen and read Siri sorta works some of the time, and from playing around w/ some of the various

It's nice to see the FCC actually doing there jobs after that Comcast/NBC fiasco. I'd imagine that AT&T are kicking themselves for not buying Meredith Baker first. And I don't think I buy this assessment of the state of the cell market. I was a T-Mo customer for years, and the deciding factor that moved me to

It's not really thanksgiving in my house w/o red cabbage.

True, but only because he gave that power to Skulley (granted, as a result of pressure from the board). Point is, saying that someone in middle management might start acting like steve jobs because he was a successful jerk is like saying the oranges will try and act like apples because they get in more pies.

I sport a socialized Remington 870 myself, and I'm more than happy just sticking with that. Wouldn't mind picking up one of those waterproof canisters though.

Steve got away with it because he was the boss, owner, ceo, el capitan, esc, esc. The only guy who was/could fire Steve for being a complete dick was Steve.

Not necessarily. It's clearly a hardware problem, and simply turning the phone off may not stop it. Not to mention that if it's an internal battery problem, meaning it's gonna melt hooked up to the phone or not, you could at least save the phone. Either way, being able to separate the melting chemical package from

I'm not going to go so far as to call her a bad parent, although I find the "government should save me" attitude seriously disturbing, but it does sound like she's perhaps sheltered/spoiled the kid too much. I knew a guy who at 27 would still throw temper tantrums sometimes. Less sever than described here, but still

Best thing to do if your phones battery starts to seriously overheat like this is to quickly pop the battery out. Oh wait.....

Ugly as hell, but if the add revenue I get from driving it around offsets or exceeds the cost of the vehicle? What the hell, why not.

Hysterical. Now you just need to add:

I never thought the biology = men > woman in CS argument was or should be math based. First, this is purely for scientific arguments sake, not trying to promote that women shouldn't be coders. One of my best coders is a woman, and as a single guy, I can tell you the lack of women in this industry really, really,

As a guy, I always thought Kermit was kinda cool, but never saw him as a role model. As for Piggy, she's the perfect role model if your goal is to alienate all men.

While I don't particularly disagree with you, I would point out that the "cheaper to fix/upgrade than start over" excuse gets abused by a lot of contractors/officials. In my experience, LM is particularly good at dragging out old or failed systems long beyond there expiration date, often with this as the excuse.

Keep the cufflinks, I'll just take the guns, and even then just to trade them for guns I actually want.

Siri. Android like speech to text, and just as meaningless.