
Davis is the most likely destination for most of the college bound grads from my former high school. Knowing a bunch of my fellow alumni (granted, far removed from by graduating class) probably got pepper sprayed just doesn't bother me all that much. Probably a good learning experience for them.

One day Jezebel might have an important article about racism. To bad by then no one will bother reading them anymore.

I always thought Fathom would be a cool but different girls name.

I'm happy and sad. Happy to see Google has another tool to defend against Apple's anti-competitive practices in the patent wars. Sad to see yet another stupid thing that shouldn't be patent-able in the first place.

LoL. I was just going to go w/ a stewie pic, but when I saw this I gave in to my dark and twisted sense of humor.

Maybe, maybe not. Even disabled, the device is capable of doing it, therefore it may still be blocked by the suit. I'm not sure about that, only that you can't be sure of anything in this patent mumbo jumbo.

Apple? Supporting Censorship? Shocked! Shocked I say!

I'm not trying to say oil should cost that much, or that plastic cash absolutely couldn't work. I don't know the numbers for either, so I can't say anything for sure. Simply that given the cost of oil, which will probably continue to go north for the foreseeable future, and thus so will plastics, that it warrants

The beta brought us the exciting and new, being able to sync my music library into the cloud and the access it from anywhere has been awesome. And the online and android player software works great. So this new release didn't break new ground, so what. It brought in the stuff that was missing, while keeping it all

With oil once again around $100 a barrel, I question the thinking that polymer-based cash is the inexpensive material of the future.

I've never been a fan of buying digital music, preferring to buy physical and then digitize it myself. I've been using google music beta for awhile, right now in fact, and it's a great way to access my music from anywhere. I doubt google will convince me to start buying digital, but I'll at least look into it, plus,

Whatever makes the courts happy, gets us out of these stupid lawsuits, and back to bringing tech to market.

Your right. The best way to fix a bad policy is to do it even more.

"When you're hungry, or when the local wildlife decides that they are, you don't want a little rain to get in the way of putting this to good use."

It'll be curious to see what finally pushes Apple to make the change. Assuming trends stay the same, w/ an approximate screen size of 4.5 becoming the norm for other smartphones, the iPhone, whatever version it is, is going to start to look pretty antiquated in a year or two with a 3.5 screen.

Those could come in handy during the zombie apocalypse.

I'm not a fan of tobacco products, and feel that requiring warning labels on them is a good thing, this was clearly crossing the line. Before you go bashing the courts, and mouthing off about big tobacco, think about products you do like (alcohol, video games, muscle cars, whatever) and what would happen if a group

Agreed. They're clearly looking to market this thing to companies/governments, not consumers. But still, software/hardware wise it looks pretty comparable to the $500 range android tablets out there. All your really getting here is the beefed up chassis, and unless your company absolutely has to have a tablet, and

While I do appreciate a little Apple bashing, and do feel there are good reasons questioning the iPhone (grip/antenna issue on the 4, double glass smash on the 4 and 4S), Consumer Reports has always seemed bat shit crazy to me.