
Here's hoping that a ton of Apples cash ends up in NT-K's pockets

Simple. Because publishers don't really want people buying ebooks. Think about it. What do publishers really do. They provide capital. The capital necessary to produce and distribute a book. What do digital books do to that system. The reduce production costs and make distribution costs almost nonexistent. So


My guess would be that these are more visible and thus easier for birds to avoid, but that's just a guess.

Either for practical or paranoid reasons some people like to keep there accounts separate. Plus a dedicated Gmail app might have some additional features, most likely some integration with other Google services. But these are exactly the reasons I could see Apple rejecting the app. It won't be the official reason

Brings new key functionality huh. Sounds like app store rejection material to me.

I agree w/ some DOD belt tightening, it's important but there is loads of waste do to the political nature DOD contracting. But throwing more money at education? If there's one thing the we've proven over the last 30+ years is that doesn't work, and often makes things worse.

Still happily rocking the first gen Nook. Curious to see what they're bringing out next.

Is there a noticeable difference between the Android an iOS apps. I occasionally use the App on my Xoom and I've always been happy with it.

Agreed. While I understand the health concerns, that should be fairly easy to mitigate with some vet screenings before shipping them back with the soldiers. And that's something that I'm sure both the soldiers and some third parties would be more than happy to fit the bill for.

I'll give him this much, it's not as bad as Apple, who tries to block products from the market. That said, I don't think the "less evil" defense has ever really worked.

"Ya, well, my OS is bigger than your OS!"

This from the guy who owns his own island. A million just ain't what it used to be.

Maybe. I'm pretty sure they're going to bring a Xoom 2, or at least another tablet under some name, to the market inside of the next year. And part of that development effort will be built on top of the R&D that went into the Xoom. So my real question is have they made enough off of Xoom sales to at least offset

Technically I agree with you, but to be fair up until 3 Google was naming each .x release and sort of treating it like a major release. Plus, given Androids aggressive development the changes between the .x releases where arguably significant. Luckily I think Google has moved to just naming/treating the major

The argument that we should replace our air force w/ drones is kinda ironic given Giz just ran an article earlier today about the Chinese hacking our satellites (you know, the things we use to control drones). Do you really want an air force that can be eliminated simply by destroying/crippling a couple of

Too bad. I really like mine. But as long as Moto made a profit on what they've shipped so far it's a positive step even if just a small one.

Do we need any more evidence that the patent system is broken? One can only hope there's a judge out there with enough common sense to shoot this one done when it goes to court.

My office started migrating to Win7 awhile back, but I'd guess about half of us are still running XP. Our customers, for my division anyway, are still predominantly on XP as well.

This is one of the area's where Beam in Android 4.0 could be utilized really well. Just touch your phone to the dash and initiate an assortment of cool stuff.