
So basically we just turned a 767 into a Semi with a sleeper.

This is about as revealing as the fact that the rate of rape in area tends to rise and fall with ice cream sales. Correlation does not equate to causation. Not to mention, how many of these violent knife welding teenagers are actually packing a multi-tool or swiss army knife.

Mmmmmm. Summer Sausage. Now your just making me hungry.

If that ever happens than 1) It's time to jump ship and abandon a country that has clearly gone to hell and 2) As a new citizen of Mexico, I'll be well positioned to make a fortune illegally importing some authentic ribeye into the US.

I've been using Music Beta and loving it. Hopefully it doesn't change to much when it goes public. I don't see myself buying music out of the store much in less they offer the actual CD's. I listen to all my music digitally, but I prefer to have that CD safely stored away to rip again if necessary.

I have no objection to adding this as an additional source of meat. I doubt traditional meat sources will disappear, shrink perhaps, become more of a specialty item, but never go away entirely. And, if you've got the chops, you can always hike up into the mountains like a real man and bag yourself an elk. That's

2 things would make my day. Either remove the ability to recline, or put more space between the seats. Since neither is likely to happen, my knee's will continue to get smashed by dick heads everywhere.

Ahhhh. I see. It's a "feature". ;)

Nothing terribly surprising about this. Looking at all of Apple's lawsuits it's been fairly clear that the Apple strategy has been to attack Android thru the hardware manufactures, with the goals being not only to discourage manufactures from working with Google, but to flat out block the sale of products whenever

For once (and I can't believe I'm saying this) I agree with you PJF. Little bugs like this pop up all the time on everything, and are usually fixed fairly quickly. No need for people to get there panties in a knot. Although, hacked by "smart" cover. That is good for a laugh or two. :)

While I'm thrilled with what I've seen of 4.0 so far, I was a bit surprised at how many of the "new" features actually already exist in Honeycomb. Granted, they're new from a phone perspective, so I get why they're showing them off. But a good chunk of that nexus galaxy intro video was kinda "ya, seen it" for all of

What patents are supposed to do:

Somehow the thought of a bunch of unemployed liberal arts majors sleeping in a park just doesn't seem all that intimidating.

"I built this here cruise missile to stop them damn kids from playing that ZZ Top." - Robin Williams

You must be an engineering major.

I've still got mine stored away in the closet. That thing took a serious beating and just kept on ticking. Couldn't bring myself to throw it out once I finally went to a smartphone. So far my Photon and Xoom have performed great as well (although I keep those in otterbox cases just in case).

Because lawyers don't accept iPads as a form of payment. Duh.

I would argue, assuming this story is true, that his relationship was already "down the crapper". All FMF did was confirm it.

Seriously dude? Anything that people can carry around they can, and sooner are later will, drop. And while Apple clearly doesn't care that the iPhone easily breaks when dropped, they did consider it (that's why they sell a "bumper"). Plus, I heard that they recently changed there replacement policy, so we'll have

Now playing

You don't tell Apple what to do Matt, Apple tells you. You must be like water.