
ya, that probably didn't help.

I'd argue that cloud gaming isn't really going to go anywhere, at least not in the near future. The interwebs in there current state simply can't handle the bandwidth, at least not to enough consumers to really make it a mainstream viable gaming market.

Apple. Best law firm on the Planet.

I actually think the pot industry had more to do with the prop failing than the anti drug crowd. Growers/distributors didn't want legal pot, because it would lower the cost (cutting into there profits), and be taxed (further cutting into there profits).

Retailers knowing little to nothing about the products they sell. So business as usual.

I'd say go the Battlestar Galactica approach and nip the corners, but I think apple already patented everything created for science fiction.

Exactly. With out all that real world testing you may do something stupid like design an antenna that doesn't work if you grip the phone. Oh wait.

I think he would agree with you.

I have a buddy who did a Thesis on how internet piracy is a natural economic side effect to overpriced content. Thx for proving him right Starz.

My thoughts exactly.

Casey, your question implies there's such a thing as a non-crap patent in the mobile space. And as for "Goggle has a better understanding of patents than that", I don't think they necessarily do. Google has it's managers and lawyers, but at it's core it's an engineering think tank still predominately run by

Duncan up to his old tricks again I see.

Congrats Kat!

That he got a Galaxy S II before the rest of us.

I still don't understand how surface got cancelled w/ the outfits, or lack there of, she was running around in.

I could not resist the urge to +1 the +1 article.

It's actually kind of funny. CO has so many dispensaries now that they over saturated the market and are having trouble making money, meanwhile the counties are making bank in tax revenue. You wanna fix the budget? Legalize weed.

(excluding Alaska and Hawaii, where people apparently just grow there own.)

"Fifteen years! We'll be flying our cargo around in hovertrains by then."

But that's what I love about him. He's not PC. He just calls it like he sees it. And he doesn't spout the usual political jargen lines, he actually spells out why he thinks what he thinks. Agree or disagree with him, at least he explains himself and is open to counter arguments that are willing to do the same.