
Christie, the one guy I wish was actually running for president.

I saw him speak once at AppleFest when I was kid back in the bay area. Didn't last long though, as I'm pretty sure I was anxious to get on the floor and check out prince of persia running on the IIgs. Ahh, the good old days, when apple was awesome.

God Bless'm! ;)

Try telling that to Preston Tucker.

Doom 2! Your going to have to go back farther than that buddy.

For once Matt, you and I are in complete agreement. This thing is epic, I may have to reevaluate my holiday season budget.

That's exactly what crossed my mind the moment I read the title.

Afraid I can't agree. Call me a purist or complete nerd or whatever but I hated the stuff Apple put out from that era. Cheap looking multi-colored transparent plastic that looked like it belonged in a goofy sci-fi flick. I get why appealed to a certain demographic, and it certainly helped pull the company out of

The Apple II was hands down the most significant device Apple ever made. It was the device to launch the modern computer age.

Agreed. While I think Brian makes some really good points, that fact is that Steve giving up power just isn't very Steve like. My impressions (and that really is all that it is) is that Steve would never give up running Apple unless he absolutely had too.

I'm tempted to debate you Jesus, particularly your statements about the iPad and Xerox/Mac, but I'm going to let it go this time and simply say this. While I suspect that El Jobs retirement is an indication that his illness has gotten really bad, I wish him a long, comfortable, and happy retirement. Good Luck and

Just in time to dominate my co-workers!!!!! *does the happy dance*

Jesus, I've always tried to hold up that giz bloggers are entitled to there opinions, and commenters should take that into account when agreeing/disagreeing, but this is so fanboy it hurts. Competition drives innovation, not patent lawsuits.

Would need a mag first.

It's got to be manly

Different gun. Handy for search and rescue. :)

Not nuts. Just prepared :)

And it's hardly just 2001, there are numerous examples of prior art. The idea of a tablet computer has been around for ages. It's insane that apple could patent such a thing.

Best post ever!

Awesome, although I think metal instead of wood would have been a more authentic look.