LoL the blinking text. Made me nostalgic for netscape and 1994.
LoL the blinking text. Made me nostalgic for netscape and 1994.
PETA - All the proof we need that a lack of meat in your diet can damage your brain.
I remember seeing something about this on 60 minutes about a year or so ago. It struck me as odd, since the main thing they seemed to be doing was lengthening the ships by basically cutting them in half and adding a section to the middle. Considering the enormous engineering challenge it is to do that successfully…
Holy $!@#, I almost fell off my seat laughing when I scrolled past that.
What is this CMD key you speak of?
I picked up Convertr a while back and it's proven to be a great tool for converting measurements.
Just means your mind is good at filling in for what's lacking, nothing wrong with that.
"Next, on the lifestyles of the rich and shameless!"
As a member of the perpetually single, I can attest to the fact that sometimes it's a real bummer. And I can honestly say I was a big more productive back when I did have someone in my life. I think everyone needs a little kick in the rear from time to time to keep them on track.
While were at it, think I can get a refund on my HP Jornada?
Not to say that there isn't value in these statistics, but it does make me question what qualifies as "user time" with apps when apps do very useful things in the background. For example, my phone spends the whole day checking for and reporting new emails to me, but I probably only spend a total of about 15 minutes…
Brent! Seriously? Even I had a copy of the anarchist cookbook and access to a drug and hardware store when I was a teen. There's nothing shocking (or at least shouldn't be) that a determined individual with a few brains cells to rub together could build bombs. Unfortunately that false sense of security is the…
$20 says this guy is getting paid by Apple.
While Motorola does have a branch/division/group/whatever that develops some software, they're primarily a hardware company. Google on the other hand is all software. Comparing the two engineering sections, even the parts that sorta overlap, seems a little apples and oranges.
I'm curious to see how the other manufactures ultimately react to this. I suspect that not only is Google leashing a threat against them, but will now take those patents and use them in the defense of all the open handset alliance members (HTC, Samsung, ect). So it's a mixed blessing, Google will start coming to…
Hell, I think Paramount should sue. After all, Capt. Picard had tablet computers that looked like these back in 87.
Welcome to mobile tech patent stupidity my friend.
There's a lot of talk about the patent wars, and about how the other manufactures aren't going to like this, since there OS provider just became there competitor, at least sorta, and I can't blame them. But here's a thought, what if Google shares? Most of the attacks/lawsuits haven't been directed at Google, but at…