
That's how Apple "competes".

Of course they are. In apple's mind, anything with a graphical user interface (80s/90s debacle) or a touchscreen (current debacle) should only be legally produced by them.

True, but that doesn't mean amazon wasn't taking a loss on some titles. Publishers hate the idea of cheap eBooks, and on some titles insisted on a price higher than 9.99 from amazon. Amazon would turn around and sell it at 9.99 anyway, taking the hit themselves, as a cost of promoting the kindle platform. When the

Agreed. I was expecting to hate it on the Photon, but I've been pleasantly surprised.

I've been really happy w/ the android based stuff Motorola has been kicking out lately (I've got a Xoom and a Photon), that said, I can't blame them for being interested in diversifying and bringing a line of WP7 stuff to the market as well. The more competition and diversity on the market the better, so long as MS

While true of all other naval carriers, the Chinese still have some catching up to do on there tech. ;)

Wait a second.

Jobs statement absolutely implies that he knew prices of amazon books would rise. Amazon capped e-book prices at $9.99, and the price ranges of iBooks had already come out at that point. Hence why the question was asked "Why would I pay $15 for an iBook when I can get it from Amazon for $10". The only explanation

What a second. Someone is actually taking legal action to protect consumers from the anti-competitive practices of Apple and content providers? Somebody pinch me, I must be dreaming.

I think I made out maybe 5 words from that entire rant. But, ah, bravo anyway. Hip, hip, cheerio, and all that.

What, and the King can't keep a residence in LA for kicks like everybody else.

@suckacheese @tedknaz is de-starred

Jordan!! WTF!!!!

The gun is cool, but what kind of optics let you effectively target a person at 1.5 miles.

I've been debating a .30-06 set up with a jae stock. Primarily for elk hunting but sniper training would be fun too.

In my experience, the only way you can get a bunch of southern Californians and northern Californians to get along and acknowledge the other half of the state is to put them in a room full of New Yorkers.

Sounds like a plan. We can rig them to explode on impact and get that crazy Russian guy to build a bear spray can sling shot.

To read more on how Oracle is messing up java click here

Did anyone else read the title as "Manufacturers make last desperate attempt to save 3D movies and TV"