
Yeah, well, we know what kinds of people use ‘SJW’ and think any inclusion of a non-white non-male character is “unnecessary” or “forced” are making headlines these days.

Wow, that is so interesting because as an asian woman, I just saw her as a fucking normal-ass person. Maybe it secretly made me feel normal, too, who the fuck knows. But I’m glad that having an asian woman around feels really unnecessary to you. They should cast only regular normal non-weird real people next time.

what the fans are really mad about

I think it’s kind of obvious Johnson more or less did exactly that. Yes J.J. might have know the ending before agreeing to direct IX, doesn’t mean he helped with VIII. It seems to me that there is no overarching plot to this trilogy and they are making it up as they go. Johnson didn’t like VII apparently so he wiped

He seems a decent fellow, and I agree with most of his politics and I like that he’s outspoken and willing to dunk on turds like Ted Cruz publicly, but since when is the actor the arbiter of what should or should not be the ultimate arc of a character?

Boogie Knights of Ren

Luckily, it’s not near it! It’s right on it.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for sticking it to the harassers and recognizing The Last Jedi.

It’s still about the Skywalkers. It’s about Luke and it’s about Ben. They’re Skywalkers, and they play key roles.

Kylo Ren is a Skywalker. The story is still about a Skywalker.

By the way, just for the sake of accuracy, it’s doubtful 45% of the audience even dislikes this movie. First, anyone can make an account on Rotten Tomatoes with different emails and spam the system, which haters and trolls are more likely to do. Secondly, the movie has an A Cinemascore, which is considered a more

I loved the Last Jedi and this is coming from a guy who thought Force Awakens was at least better than the prequels and lukewarm on Rogue One. The lesson here is Star Wars fans don’t know what they want and their complaints should be ignored.

so this GoGo Chickens is

He’s refuting the allegations of blacklisting. The line is only confusing if you are being deliberately obtuse.  Perhaps you can disagree, but you knew what the author was getting at. Unless you are particularly dense.  

Lol you guys hate women so much

No the alternative is to shut the fuck up and listen, like I said.

No because he’s got the fucking stones to think who gets “let back in” and “what we can work with” or whatever the fuck should ever ever ever be up to him or, really, any other guy.

It is exceedingly amusing to me when people make confident, completely inaccurate statements about how this website is run. To pull back the curtain on this particular discussion: There is no quota on the number of Newswires published in a day. This story was just a bit of fun.

To those people who always say stuff like “Spoilers don’t bother me. I don’t get what the big deal is”.

Premise: Spoilers don’t matter. If you liked a movie a second time, see? Takeaway: This falls flat. If they’re going to watch again spoiled and enjoy it, a: do you know for a fact it’s enjoyment in exactly the same way? I re-watch Aliens because it’s fun and I laugh about it with my friends, not because I get the same