
That’s what annoys me most about movies that supposedly condemn Wall Street… The people making them are the people who profit from those white-collar shenanigans.

Because she is so over the top ridgagalous.

Not here for this anti sex-work slut-shamer.

My god, this documentary was enraging. Poor Steven. Poor Brendan. I don’t understand how any one of the pigs who helped frame them can sleep at night.

I love that you have such precise nomenclature for stank faces.

Where is the Double Creature Feature? WHERE IS THE DOUBLE CREATURE FEATURE????!!!

Joan Rivers was a raging misogynist who tore women down for their looks and Mark Wahlberg committed two hate crimes. Why the fuck are we acting like this picture is charming?

A… a LUMP on your FOREHEAD? What in the hell is it?

May I recommend Kate Beaton’s take on “The Swing.” It’s available to buy as a print online.

I did. It ain’t funny. Anyone who cries “spoiler alert” is annoying, and anyone who cries “spoiler alert” ironically is more annoying.

Sweetie pie, if you are so uptight that you need spoilers for a book that’s been around for a century, you are the one who needs some fun.

Oh, fuck you. The book is over 100 years old.

Reading the part where Beth dies in “Little Women” when I was in fourth grade. All the other kids made fun of me for the rest of the year.

My eyes are getting misty. It’s just tutu much for me.

Still, what she did is unspeakably rotten.

Maybe they’ll destroy each other.

How about Rihanna?

I am still stunned that we have not heard a peep more about Jackie. The awful, horrifying truth is that she likely made up the story about her rape in order to gain sympathy from a boy she liked— she even made up fake personas to manipulate him into liking her. And it led to this disaster. Is she still at UVA? Will

Just a reminder before everyone starts commenting: DON’T FEED THE TROLLS!!!

Natalie Portman, too.