
Did he and his friend Beavis look at the drawing of the large breasted naked woman and laugh distinctively for an awkward length of time?

What sort of ridiculous habit?  Like, did she chew her nails or something?

So I went to look up Anne Catherine Emmerich on wikipedia, and I encountered this lovely paragraph, which I am going to post here because I’m certain it won’t survive the next time someone edits that particular article (keep reading, it gets good, and by good I mean weird):

Some other people have chimed in about the difference between X and NC-17, but if we are expanding the conversation to include X, then I believe the first movie rated X specifically for violence was “I Drink Your Blood” (1970), although it too was recut to get it down to an R.

“(other than, you know, the only other famous Jared we can think of)

I genuinely can’t tell if you’re referring to Kushner or Fogle.

I meant: “Blondie” in “the Good the Band and the Ugly” ...gah, it’s too late to edit.

Does anyone other than Tuco call him “Blondie in the Good the Bad and the Ugly? I kinda always thought that was just Tuco’s nickname for him.

All I want from Weezer is for them to form a side-project called King Geezer and the Leezer Weezer.

If “Etan Cohen” isn’t a typo for “Ethan Coen, I don’t know what is...

This movie covers Elton John’s life including that time he was in the movie “Kingsman 2: the Golden Circle”, which starred some guy named Taron Edgerton, and then he looks Taron Edgerton in the eye and Taron Edgerton stares back into him, and then things get weird and we wind up with a Malkovich Malkovich situation.

I hope he thinks about someone else’s entire life before he plays. Like he’s about to perform the climactic whatever, and then he sits at the piano and stares into space, then closes his eyes, and the movie turns into a mini-biopic about Marc Bolan, including all sorts of incredibly specific details that Elton John


See, I was hoping for Santa Claus vs. The Gargantuas, but instead I got Gappa vs. the Little Drummer Boy. Lame!

Okay, I had heard of the Isleworth version, but not this one... this is fascinating.  I kinda love the eerie blue background on this one.

I would like to use this only vaguely-related opportunity to post the wayback machine link to, a wonderful and now tragically defunct Hawkwind fan website, which I used to check out periodically, mostly for the owner’s many detailed reviews of Hawkwind’s massive discography.

I haven’t seen this movie, so when I read your comment, my initial reaction was “Really? Isn’t that an overreaction? Aren’t a ton of scifi rocketships inherently phallic? I mean, rockets kinda are giant erect cylinders by nature...”

Seriously, I’m in the greys for *this*?!

I’d just like to say that, as near as I can tell, as of this posting, everyone in this thread seems to be behaving in a rational, polite, and civil manner, and that is deeply encouraging (I apologize if I missed anything, but so far everyone seems well behaved). Especially since I was just looking at another thread

James Cameron was originally going to direct, so it has to start with either a “T” or an “A”. Them’s the rules.

Like a lot of people, what selection of kid-appropriate movies we had on VHS as a kid were likely candidates, so: Goonies, Willow, Flash Gordon (recorded off the TV), Star Wars (the first one), Super Mario Bros, the Rankin/Bass Hobbit (duped from a betamax tape*), the Bakshi Lord of the Rings (also from betamax*), the