
No, no, the Motherfucker is the villain from Kick Ass 2. This is just some guy on the internet.

I got a Firefly notification for this?

If only we had some sort of commenter here who was some sort of expert on facial genitalia.

If only.

Now playing

About a year ago, I listened to the classic story “The Dark” from the old-timey radio program “Lights Out”*, and had the sudden revelation “Oh! That’s what that one gag in the Simpsons was about!”

I won’t spoil it, but here’s a link to “The Dark” (which I highly recommend):

Open the vagina bay doors, HAL.

...As it turns out that the FBI ignored Sacha Baron Cohen because they thought that he was playing some sort of elaborate prank on them.

Attack of the 50 Foot Supreme Court Justice.

“Warning: Replies that are pending approval may contain graphic material. Please proceed with caution.”

Nonsense, I’ve read several replies that were pending approval, and not one featured a bit of graphic material.

I want my money back.

How Old Kid Rock?

Now playing

I remember being disappointed the one time I saw “Withnail and I, but I keep meaning to give it another try. On the other hand, I kinda love the next movie Bruce Robinson directed Grant in, “How to Get Ahead in Advertising.” It’s not a perfect movie, sort of awkward and misshapen, and, God knows, lacking in

…Something something something Stride Mother.

Let's be honest, I love both Zardoz, and, even harder to explain, Southland Tales.

Do they drive a McLaren?

Please clap.

I always enjoyed being a bit of a dick when I was playing Goldeneye with one of my friends, and firing one round into the wall when I knew he was nowhere near me, then listening to him spraying bullets in every direction while trying to figure out where I was attacking him from.

He fixes the cable?

H.W. or W.?

Now our parody of Mad About You entitled… MAD ABOUT SHOE!

…And this is your brain on Tales From The Crypt!
*Smashes it with over-sized mallet, laughs maniacally.*

I have Umbrellavision, but now I wear glasses. Problem solved!