
I just call it “Taranto”, and pretend Im in Italy.

Wait, there’s a dead body in Rope?! Spoilers!

...Is *that* what “The Oogum Boogum Song is about?

This is clearly just a rip-off of my as-of-yet unfinished script, “Dial T For Time Travel”, which is about Owen Wilson (played by himself, hopefully) keeps receiving time calls from his future self which hint obliquely at some terrible fate which may befall him if he doesn’t act now, but whenever Wilson tries to pin

You know, the Losers’ totally should have won the HCBMGM Best Picture Award, but they gave it to Satans Sadists’ instead. What a rip-off!

Last year I read ‘The Manuscript Found in Saragossa’ (1810's approximately; the author died in 1815* and the translation that I read seems to be based on a draft that was being revised**) by Count Jan Potocki, and absolutely loved it in spite of the ending, which is very disappointing in a very 1800's way. Still, I

...I had never considered this before, but I wonder if this movie was an influence on Wes Anderson. Food for thought.

I’d suggest Straight to Hell as possibly qualifying.

I’ve actually had a pet theory about 2001 for a while, although I completely acknowledge that I could be off-base about this; in addition to the two examples of the monolith bringing about new stages in human evolution, I also see HAL’s story as another example of evolution. HAL, the perfect, always accurate computer,

You know, this weirdly improves my opinion of Gwyneth Paltrow.

I hope she makes like the Rock and starts going by Dwayne Johnson soon.

I misread the latter half of your comment as Crossfit gyrating hundreds of millions in revenues.

I like to imagine you were so stoned at the movie theater that you forgot which movie you were there to see, and accidentally wandered into a screening of Christopher Robin.

Yes, I know you already explained how it happened, but I’m still sticking to my version of events.

Ew, no. Have you seen his Nexus? Its all hairy.


Blander Jimmy Olsen? Shit, he’s a blander Snapper Carr!

Come up to the lab, and see what’s on the slab.

The real special effect is the friends we made along the way.

Im not certain what constitutes a “special effect” in this context, but it seems like the original Manchurian Candidate might qualify for this list.

Somehow, I briefly mistook Johnny Depp for Corey Feldman.