
For me, the statement stands if you replace "Layla" with "all of Disraeli Gears".

I've never seen it either, but I have seen Beyond the Valley of the Dolls.

To me, he will always be King Vidiot.

Counterpoint: they're mummies. Those bastards just keep coming back.

"All of the Things I Do Not Know" featuring Shirley.

Actually, I rather enjoy burgers from Dick's with some fries stuck in them.

Ed Hardy 2: Ed Harder.


I'll just leave this here:

This is completely off-topic, but I don't really look directly at most people's avatars, just seeing them in my peripheral vision, and my imagination fills in the details.

Okay, I know that you're obviously referencing Glengarry Glen Ross, but all I'm hearing in my head is Ahnold in Jingle All The Way.

Dustin Hoffman doesn't need old-age makeup anymore!

Is Glenn Danzig behind this one too?

Okay, time to roll over, Beethoven. Tell Tchaikovsky the news.

Depends on how hard he pumps for you.

Is *that* what Land of the Dead was about?

"one-on-one insult appointments"

Yet she's appearing out of the wall like Freddy Kreuger.

I wish I could take credit, but then again, I'm frankly glad I'm not William Burroughs.

…Followers of obsolete unthinkable trades, doodling in Etruscan, addicts of drugs not yet synthesized, black marketeers of World War II, excisors of telepatic sensitivity, osteopaths of the spirit, investigators of infractions denounced by bland paranoid chess players, servers of fragmentary warrents taken down in