
Yeah, this is just looking ugly and childish for Carlsen. Frankly, he just looks like a sore loser at this point, refusing to comment, refusing to actually lay down an accusation, just winking and signaling and letting his supporters do the actual work for themselves.

I picked up Destiny 2 at the start of the Pandemic, but since for technical reasons I could only play through (shudder) Stadia, i didn’t stick around long. A few months ago with a new console I decided to give it a second go, and discovered that the recent updates had made the game ten time more hostile to the new

Just a reminder that the best way to experience Diablo IV is to delete your account and then never talk about Blizzard again!

Unannounced Survival Game...

“Why isn’t she in the picture, then?”

“We totally interviewed some women and non-white people, but just by chance happened to only hire a bunch of white dudes. MERITOCRACY!”

It’s ironic, too, because they “work” longer hours than I do, and probably don’t do that much. I would work a bit of overtime for the extra money, but they won’t let me. I’m almost at the top tier I can be while still getting paid hourly and I have no intention of ever going salary.

You don’t want me to work overtime

What does a CEO even do? Like, when I’m at work, managers way above me sit in a lot of meetings and maybe tell some slightly lower managers what to do once in a while. But, like. What is their contribution. Hell, my direct manager doesn’t know what half my work is half the time.

If most upper management at a

This post is not intended to gain attention or sympathy, but only an honest reply to this article. I will likely abandon this account.

The nice thing about PB is that it lasts a while too even if you're eating them on the regular, perfect for these times. Glad I got a family size of crunchy Skippy in the pantry

I’ve been saying for years that if you had Destiny’s overall aesthetic and shootfeel with Warframe’s game design and business model I’d never play another (GaaS/space shlooter) ever again. You could pick either set of lore and story beats, they’re both ridiculous.

I’m a long time D1 and D2 player. I switched to pc a few months ago so I could play when I’m travelling for work (which is constantly — CONSTANTLY). And holy smackeroons, I was fuckin blown away by how much better the experience is on pc. It’s better by every metric.

Caught --red-- BLACK handed!

What’s the temperature like where you live? Little guy might have been cold.

jesus christ from the headline i thought the actor died...

What are you a cop? It whips ass, my friend.

That monitor wasn’t being used for anything of value and he complied with their request for him to stop. Total dick move

grow up? the airport is filled with monitors and maps, and from the picture it’s the middle of the night.


Just buy a Switch people. It makes flying immensely better and you’re less of an asshat.