
The plant I work for just celebrated a record setting first half of a year.

This fucking sucks, it feels as it does not matter if its the best selling game of all time, they just want to spend as little money as possible. 


politically divide people. 

I don’t spend any of my day wondering how Elon finds spare time.

Elon will never fuck you, concern troll.

The stream “upped sound frequency by 4 kHz,” he said on Twitter.

It’s still so confusing to me, how assholes like Falafell can manage to believe that fighting for the right for people to exist as they truly are is just as immoral as fighting against said right.

Such fragile toxic masculinity. These are the same dicks that are throwing a fit because you get flirt options when speaking to Sam. Like if you clicked the wrong options the game will make you gay in real life.

I like to think this all happened due to me, as I saw the mod in question just after it was uploaded, laughed at the crybaby who made it, and reported it. Within an hour, it was gone.

Imagine being so fucking thin skinned that optional pronouns bother you enough to download a fucking mod. These are the same chodes that will, unironically, call everyone else snowflakes for shit. Fuck these children, and good on Nexus for not hosting such a childish, dumb fucking mod. 

No, probably not. At least until it was time to file an insurance claim and only then if the insurance company demands a police report. Odds are about as good I get shot as you get shot if the cops show up with you in my house and I’m not terribly interested in anyone, especially me, dying over *looks around* this

Yeah, the fact that Cops care about pallets of games and not actual crimes that harm individuals is the point. There is no point in licking the boots of someone who only serves corporate interests.

What a smug fucking cunt you are. Yeah, the guy’s a thief and he’ll answer for his crimes. But only a complete douchelord would try to take a victory lap for telling daddy on him. That sub gave you the treatment you deserve.

I want to shove them in a locker. How thick do you think he likes his boot when swallowing?

Calling the cops for any reason in America comes with the implicit understanding that someone might get shot in the face within moments of them pulling up on the scene, without any provocation.

No one likes a bootlicker

Just popping in to say fuck you, Jasper

“I am now a pariah of that subreddit,” Adkins wrote in his initial email. “I get it, hype and excitement are at an all-time high. I’m just as excited as the next person, but I draw the line at theft. I was raised to believe that crime doesn’t pay. I had hoped our society, and so-called Bethesda fans could be held to

What kind of fucking loser narcs on a gaming leaker? He should be the one put in jail. Ratting out a black man to the cops is soliciting homicide. Reading this made my blood boil.